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时间:2020-11-27 19:30来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Our civil filing system traditionally adopted a filing review mode, but with the development of China's market economy, increasingly exposed the shortcomings of this model and gradually showing a rising trend. China's "Civil Procedure Law" Article 123 states: the People's Court should be guaranteed the right to sue the parties in accordance with the law entitled. Prosecution conform to the provisions of Article 119, it must be accepted. Meet the conditions for prosecution, it should be filed within seven days, and notify the parties; do not meet the conditions for prosecution and should make a ruling within seven days, inadmissible; plaintiff dissatisfied with the decision, you can appeal. While in 2015 the Supreme Court also issued a formal interpretation on the application of "People's Republic of China Civil Procedure Law," the law is clear from filing registration system. Against this background, this article will be filing a registration system as the core, from the concept of filing registration system, analyze the advantages of the system and problems, and the reform of the prosecution conditions and expand the scope of litigation and regulatory proceedings to malicious and other aspects of Suggestions for related.

Key words: analysis of the status quo; registration; system improvement 

引言 4

一、民事立案登记制度概述 4

二、我国民事立案登记制度的现状分析 5

(一)我国民事诉讼主管的现状 5

(二)我国民事诉讼立案登记制度存在的问题 6

(三)我国民事诉讼立案登记制度存在问题的原因 7

三、完善民事立案登记制度的具体建议 9

(一)改革民事起诉的条件 9

(二)扩大民事诉讼的范围 9

(三)对恶意诉讼和滥诉等行为进行处罚 10

结语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14


    任何纠纷都是在一定的社会物质生活基础之上产生的,那么能否通过司法途径顺利地解决纠纷,是衡量一个国家法治水平的重要标志之一。随着我国经济快速发展,社会矛盾变得复杂而突出,为了解决好群众起诉难的问题,我国对民事诉讼立案的一些制度进行了一连串地改革,形成大立案制度,立案庭专门负责立案工作1。但是,由于法制不健全,我国在“立审分立”方面还有很长的路要走,从整体上看,我国立案制度仍然是处于纠纷进入诉讼的瓶颈阶段。在2015年正式颁发的《关于适用<中华人民共和国民事诉讼法>的解释中》规定:“人民法院接到当事人提交的民事诉状时,对符合民事诉讼法第一百一十九条的规定,且不属于第一百二十四条规定情形的,应当登记立案;对当场不能判定是否符合法律法规起诉条件的,要接收起诉材料,并出具书面凭证且注明日期。”我们从中可以看出立案登记制度是受到法律的认可的。同时在《关于人民法院推行立案登记制度改革意见》中也明确指出改革法院案件受理的制度,由之前的立案审查制变为立案登记制。笔者认为当前中国经济社会处于转型期,各种新问题带来的纠纷将会不断涌现,健全目前立案制度以适应形势变化是势在必行。 民事立案登记制度若干问题探析:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_65386.html
