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时间:2020-11-04 14:38来源:毕业论文

摘要:自1950年第一部《婚姻法》颁布以来,我国婚姻法关于夫妻共同财产分割的立 法及其司法解释不断发展,个人化、法治化趋势明显,规定越来越具体明确和具有可操作性。就相关立法的完善而言,用公平分割原则替代均等分割原则、增加婚内共同财产的分割、明确知识产权的收益范围、“家务劳动补偿制度”能更好的体现家务劳动的价值、进一步规制不诚信行为、“无形财产”参与共同财产分割。不断完善夫妻财产制的分割,保护弱势群体的利益使社会更加趋于公平。59022

毕业论文关键词:夫妻共同财产制   夫妻共同财产的分割  问题与完善

Abstract : China's marriage law on the legislation and its judicial interpretation on the pision of mutual property of the spouses developed continuously since 1950, and the trend of personality and legalization was evident. The scope of the common property was reduced, and personal property was expanded. It was more specific and clear to operate. Fair pision principle instead of average segmentation principle, to improve the terms of the relevant legislation, the pision of marital property should be supplemented; the benefits scope of intellectual property rights also should be definite, "Domestic labor compensation system" should be able to reflect the value of housework better, constrain the dishonest behavior further, "Intangible property" participate in joint property pision. Perfecting of the pision of marital property system, protect the interests of the disadvantaged groups make society more fair.

Keywords: mutual property of the spouses; the pision of mutual  property of the spouses; improvement

1 引言 4

2我国相关法律关于夫妻财产制的规定 4

3 我国夫妻财产分割制的现状和存在的问题 4

3.1我国夫妻财产分割制的现状 4

3.2我国夫妻财产分割制存在的问题 5

4 我国夫妻财产分割制度的法律完善 7

4.1在公平分割原则方面 7

4.2在知识产权收益分配方面 9

4.3在虚拟财产分割方面 10

结  论 11

参考文献 12

致  谢 13

1 引言



我国现行法律中主要是《婚姻法》及其司法解释对夫妻财产制做出了明确的规定。夫妻财产制在法律上有两种观点,广义上来说,夫妻财产制是指不同的夫妻财产如何分配,如何管理,如何使用,对外的债务如何承担,以及婚姻关系终止时如何分割做出规范的法律制度。从狭义上来说,夫妻财产制就只是指夫妻婚姻存续期间相关夫妻财产制所有权的法律的制度。 浅谈我国夫妻共同财产分割制存在的问题及完善:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_64172.html
