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时间:2020-09-23 11:35来源:毕业论文

摘 要:民事起诉权对于民事诉讼程序的启动具有决定性意义,起诉权的顺利行使是公民合法权益得到救济的必要条件。目前我国民诉起诉制度存在着民事起诉范围狭窄、民事起诉标准过高、司法政策不合理以及法院自由裁量权过大等问题。本文从“民事起诉权”的定义、性质等相关理论入手,进而探析当前我国司法实践中民事“起诉难”的成因,并且针对这些问题提出合理的完善建议。56712

毕业论文关 键 词:民事起诉权,起诉难,民事可诉范围,起诉条件,限制性司法政策,完善建议

Abstract: A civil right of action is of decisive significance for the startup of Civil Procedure, the successful exercise of the right to sue is a necessary condition for the remedies of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. There are some insufficiencies in the protection for the right to institute a litigation, such as narrow scope of civil prosecution and civil prosecution high standard, judicial policy is not reasonable and the high court of discretion. From the concept, the nature of prosecution and basic theory, this paper analyses the cause of China’s current civil “difficult to prosecute” and finally aimed at these problems, I will put forward some reasonable suggestions.

Keywords: civil prosecution rights, difficult to prosecution, civil actionable range, the requirements  of  prosecution ,  limiting  judicial  policy, suggestions

目  录

1  前言 4

2  我国民事起诉权的界定与性质 4

2.1  民事起诉权概论 4

2.2  民事起诉权的性质 4

3  我国民事起诉难的成因分析 5

3.1  民事起诉范围窄 5

3.2  民事起诉条件高 5

3.3  司法政策错位 6

3.4  法院自由裁量权过大 7

4  我国民事起诉权保障机制的完善建议 8

4.1  扩大民事诉讼范围 8

4.2  降低起诉标准 8

4.3  纠正司法政策 8

4.4  限缩法院自由裁量权 9

结 论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13

1 前言


2   我国民事起诉权的界定和性质

2.1  民事起诉权概念
