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时间:2020-08-28 09:11来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 善意取得,构成要件,适用范围,制度完善

Abstract: As an important civil property right system, the bona fide acquisition system has a significant importance to maintain the security of transactions, promote the circulation of goods, stabilize the orders of economy and to protect the interests of the bona fide third party. China’s "property law" expanded the bona fide acquisition system which is based on the traditional civil law system from the real right for movable property to real right for immovable property. This is a major breakthrough in the construction of China’s civil law system. By Yang Jiahui v. Ye Juanyun returns the original case to analyze the constitutive requirements and the applicable scope of immovable property of the bona fide acquisition system. Meanwhile issues about the reasonable price of the constituent requirements, wrong liability to pay compensation as well as the unregistered ownership of immovable property of the bona fide acquisition system are discussed; the constructive recommendations and relative improvements for the bona fide acquisition system are to be proposed.

Keywords: the bona fide acquisition , constitutive requirements, applicable scope, system improvements

目  录

1  前言 4

2  案例简介 4

3  对案例中争议焦点的法律分析 4

3.1不动产善意取得制度的构成要件 4

3.2受让人受让不动产时须为善意 5

3.3受让人应依合理的价格取得不动产 5

3.4转让的不动产依法应当登记的已经登记 5

4  本案引发的思考 6

4.1登记机关对登记错误承担赔偿责任 6

4.2合理价格的判断标准 7

4.3不动产必须经登记的再思考 7

5  不动产善意取得制度的完善 8

5.1完善不动产善意取得构成要件的相关规定 8

5.2完善不动产登记制度 9

5.3登记机关如何保护善意第三人的合法利益 9

结  论 11

参考文献 12

致  谢 13

1  前言

罗马法强调任何人都不能转让大于自己的权利,现代民法基于公示与公信原则,为保护第三人,对非权利人依法律行为取得的所有权,规定了动产的善意取得制度。我国《物权法》第106条明确规定了不动产与动产的善意取得制度,它是对物权追及力的切断和阻却,使善意第三人免于权原调查之累和无权处分之险,旨在便利交易行为、维护交易安全,是物权公示公信力的维系和表彰 。本文拟从杨家辉诉叶娟云一案出发,探究不动产善意取得制度存在的问题。首先介绍基本案情和争议焦点,其次对争议焦点进行法律分析,并由此引发对不动产善意取得制度的构成要件及不动产取得方式的再探讨,最后提出不动产善意取得制度的完善方案。 论不动产善意取得制度杨家辉诉叶娟云案的思考:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_59416.html
