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时间:2020-08-27 10:06来源:毕业论文

摘  要:作为观念形态的民主进入中国以后,在不同的历史语境下获得了不同的理解,也得到了长足的发展。历经百年,民主观念综合完成了从西方式发轫到中国特色社会主义民主的现代建构。伴随着中国的近代化进程,我国民主观念得以生成并在曲折中缓慢发展。改革开放后,随着我国民主政治建设的深入及政治、经济体制的一系列改革,公民的民主责任意识、政治参与意识、民主要求、监督意识及平等观念不断增强,我国的民主观念得到前所未有的升华,民主已渐渐深入人心。然而,中国社会民主观念发展过程中依然存在诸多问题,如何进一步促进民主观念的发展成为当代中国政治文明建设中的一项艰巨事业。55002


Chinese Society of  The Concept of Democracy

Abstract: Enters after China as the ideology democracy, has obtained the different understanding under the different historical linguistic environment, also obtained the considerable development. Has been through repeatedly for hundred years, the democratic idea synthesis completed commenced a venture from the western concept to the Chinese characteristic socialist democracy modern construction. Follows China's modernizing advancement, our country democratic idea can produce and in winding the slow development. After the reform and open policy, along with our country democratic politics construction thorough and political, economic system a series of reforms, citizen's democratic responsibility consciousness, politics the sense of participation, the democracy request, surveillance consciousness and the equal idea strengthens unceasingly, our country's democratic idea obtains the unprecedented sublimation, the democracy already gradually sink deep into the hearts of the people. However, in the Chinese society democratic idea developing process still has many problems, how further promotes in a democratic idea development into Contemporary China politics civilization construction arduous enterprise.  

Keywords: Chinese society;  the concept of democracy; generation; sublimation





我国是一个缺乏民主传统的国家,曾经长达两千多年的封建制度使草民意识在广大人民群众中根深蒂固,千百年来的“臣民”观念使得我国广大人民群众没有参与民主建设和民主决策的责任意识。但改革开放以来,随着时代的发展与进步,我国公民的思想较过去已经发生了改变,人们已渐渐建立了新的价值观念,不再像以前一样只关心自己,只抱着对自己负责的态度,以往“事不关己高高挂起”的思想已经发生改变,越来越多的公民愿意参与到社会、国家的事务中去了,愿意对他人,对社会负责,这说明公民的责任意识已经大大增强。 浅析当代中国社会民主观念发展中存在的问题及其对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_59262.html
