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时间:2020-06-13 21:52来源:毕业论文



The Research on the Goverment Function in Urban Housing Demolition 

Abstract City can’t develop without construction business.As a important means of urban construction ,urban Housing Demolition’s social influence is becoming more and more powerful.Urban housing demolition doesn’t onlyt increase the urbanization level by the method of transforming the old urban districts, but also improve the living environment and quality of life through improving infrastructure,introducing commercial hub,building modern housing eastate and so on.Urban housing demolition is a urban construction project under the control of government.The government play the planning ,superintending and guiding function.As the complexity of the demolition,the government stlii has the problem of function dislocation and vancancy.Facing the situation,the government should fill the gap of function through improving people’s wellbeing and considering the fundamental interests of the people as the starting point,increasing the level of social participation, strengthening the function of supervision and auditing,paying close attention to vulnerable groupdisadvantaged group and bettering the propaganda work.

 Keywords:Demoliton;goverment function;problem of function;better funtion

0 引言 1

1 基本概念及相关理论 1

  1.1 城市拆迁的概念、作用 1

  1.2政府职能的概念、基本职能及发展趋势 3

  1.3.治理理论 4

2城市拆迁中政府职能现状和存在问题 5

  2.1城市拆迁中政府职能现状 5

  2.2城市拆迁中政府职能存在的问题 8

3 改进和完善城市拆迁中政府职能的对策 12

  3.1注重改善民生以人民利益为根本出发点 12

  3.2 扩大社会参与度 13

  3.3 加强监督审核力度 13

  3.4 关注特殊家庭 15

  3.5 做好宣传沟通工作 15

结论 17

致谢 18

参考文献 18


0 引言

“拆迁”在近年来无疑成为了电视、报刊和网络中的热词。一提到“拆迁”,人们的脑海中几秒之内便会自动浮现出这样一些相关词语:城市发展、旧城区改造、强拆、暴力等等。拆迁作为城市发展的产物,它的出现是符合历史发展规律的,它也确实给城市带来了翻天覆地的变化。昔日的窝棚区变成了高楼林立的现代化小区,一片片新兴的商业区也渐渐繁华了城市的中心,我们都在亲眼见证着城市拆迁给我们的生活带来了这些积极的变化。拆迁作为城市的一种发展方式,从计划到实施到完工都要经历层层把控,道道审核,这些复杂的工作程序都是在政府主导之下完成的。从拆迁的规划到具体施工,政府随着拆迁进程的变化,在其中扮演的职能也在随之发生变化。从一开始的规划者到实施者,到后来从实施者变为监督者,这一系列的职能转换都同样要求着政府必须责无旁贷的饰演好每一个角色,因为政府作为城市拆迁过程中的主导者,其任何决定都会影响着整个拆迁的进程,密切牵动着每一个群体的利益。 城市拆迁中的政府职能分析:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_54315.html
