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时间:2019-12-21 21:46来源:毕业论文



On the Scientific Standard of Land-requisition Compensation


In the case of accelerating the pace of urbanization, the study of land acquisition compensation system is also deepening, the government’s scientific and rational decision on the issue of land expropriation can effectively protect the interests of the people and have great influence on the sustainable development of socio economy. It can promote the implementation of the concept of scientific development, and it also plays an irreplaceable role in the establishment of people's democratic rule of law. This article describes the basic meaning and characteristics of land acquisition and take the current land requisition compensation standards into the context of nowadays’ market economy continuing to improve and the integrated development of urban and rural to analyze its defects and the original causes, and then analyzes the various economic and social problems caused by current standard of compensation . Finally, the article discusses how to reform the land compensation standard and analyzes the scientific way of compensation standard configuration from the point of achieving balanced interests of all parties and promoting harmonies development between the urban and rural , in order to provide reference for the reform of the land expropriation system.

Key Words:  Land requisition compensation;  Standard;  Scientific



Abstract II

目录… Ⅲ

一、问题的提出 1

二、我国现行征地补偿标准的缺陷分析 2

(一)征地补偿方案形成过程欠缺科学透明 2

(二)与市场经济的兼容性差 3

(三)补偿主体不明确 3

(四)征地赔偿方法单一 3

三、现行征地补偿标准实施造成的困境 4

(一)农村用地减少,失地农民剧增 4

(二)失地农民的生活困难 4

(三)补偿标准不合理引发社会不公 5

(四)不公正的征地补偿引发征地冲突 5

四、完善征地补偿标准科学化的建议 6

(一)改革征地方案形成过程,充分吸取农民意见 6

(二)确定“公平补偿”的原则 7

(三)科学确定征地补偿费用标准 7

参考文献 征地补偿标准科学化研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_43888.html
