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时间:2019-12-08 21:24来源:毕业论文



 The Ideological Origins of American’s Separation of Powers


American’s separation of powers established the basic constitutional structure of the country. it is one of the most typical form of government of Western capitalism. Establishment of separation of powers is a major victory of capitalism against the feudal autocratic rule, establishing the basic framework of capitalist democracy, the idea has a long history origin. Currently, thought academia generally considered the prototype of the American system of separation of powers from the ancient Greek Aristotle's theory of the three elements of government, after about two thousand years of development, to 17th century British decentralization Locke, and to the study for a master group Montesquieu’s separation of powers and the balance of powers, until the United States’ Founders represented in Jefferson established the system of separation of powers in the Federal Constitution, each step of these has condensed the first crystallization of people's minds. Reorganizing the article to the relevant doctrine Britain and continental Europe and other important political thinkers, looking logical its link , exploreing the separation of powers and followed the development of thought in its evolution process to find the impact of the separation of powers and the balance of powers of the American political system thought.

Key Words: American’s separation of powers;  Ideology;  Origin

一 三权分立思想的起源



公元前三百余年,伯罗奔尼撒战争之后,马其顿人统治了希腊,使得希腊彻底成为马其顿人的附庸。三权分立思想最早起源于此时的亚里士多德的政体三要素理论。亚里士多德在其著作《政治学》中提及“一个城邦存在司法、议事、行政三大职能,而与之相对的又有健全的三种职能机构,那么一个城邦的结构就显得更加完整了。”[3]这里涉及的“城邦职能组织”,是指审判机构、议事机构以及行政机构。这种观点也比较类似于古希腊历史学家波里比阿研究罗马政体稳定性时提出的一个观点,即当时罗马政体的组成元素可以分为元老院、执政官以及公民大会。由此不难看出,无论是亚里士多德还是波里比阿,他们都刻意地将一个国家的职能划分成三份,体现了分权思想的雏形。 美国三权分立制度思想渊源研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_43104.html
