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时间:2019-09-26 12:43来源:毕业论文

The Theory of Face in the Endorsement Responsibility
    Abstract: Honesty modern society, the credibility of the endorsement made by such acts, because of the social impact of extensive and number of thought-provoking spokesperson responsibility, taking advantage of the revision of "Advertising Law" of a research study. In addition to preface the whole chapter is pided into four parts. Foreword by the author knowledge of endorsement, endorsement about the status quo; the first part analyzes the meaning and the constituent elements endorsement, endorsement understand what is; the second part, the analysis by nature of endorsement contracts, analysis spokesperson endorsement by labor in the works the intention, finds endorsement contract with a security nature; the third part analyzes the theory of differences and problems of law; the fourth, according to the nature of the request endorsement contract spokesperson assume security responsibility, to find the doctrine of balance, put forward the idea of law .With radical ideas to solve the problem by spokesmen moderate means.
    Key words: Spokesperson liability; Warranty; Intention
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、代言人的概述    2
(一)代言概念    2
(二)代言的主体    2
(三)代言的对象    3
(四)代言作品    3
二、代言合同的性质分析    4
(一)代言合同的性质    4
(二)代言劳务影响合同的性质    4
(三)本文对代言合同性质的认定    5
三、代言人责任承担及问题    5
    (一)现有学说观点    5
(二)现行立法规定    6
(三)代言人义务的现状    7
四、解决代言人责任的承担    7
(一)调解两种学说的矛盾点    8
(二)对代言行为的立法构想    8
(三)对代言义务的构想    9
参考文献    11
致谢    12
 论代言行为中代言人的责任承担    前言
08年三鹿结石事件,10年霸王洗发水致癌事件,14年《广告法》新修草案,邓婕、成龙等大明星大代言大问题,而今15年更是佳洁士603万天价罚款,这些让广大消费者不断质疑代言的行为。虽然,根据新修的《广告法草案》一稿第751十751条代言人侵犯消费者合法权益时可以要求承担责任,可是像邓婕的三鹿、成龙的霸王这有该怎么办?邓婕不道歉、不私了、不退钱;成龙经纪人何飞的成龙先生目前对此事拒绝回应。这些案例,就代言人而言,你说没有责任于情于理好像说不过去,你说代言人有责任,可责任又是什么呢?没有具体的法律规范,并且又怎么能证明上述两位是明知或应当知道这是虚假广告。当然,在代言虚假广告这一问题上也是有成就,当属佳洁士603万天价罚款,但那位代言人小S的责任却没有任何报道。 论代言行为中代言人的责任承担:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_39880.html