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时间:2019-09-23 20:34来源:毕业论文

摘 要:长期以来,作为商品住宅小区配套设施的小区地下车库,其权利归属在理论和实践中均是争议的焦点。自2007年《物权法》颁布以来,虽对小区地下车库权属提供了一定的法律依据,但法条规定过于宏观教条化和原则化,缺乏现实操作的实用性,难以解决车库权属的复杂现状。本文从小区车库的类型入手,重点研究地下车库的权利归属,以物权法中建筑物区分所有权中,专有所有权和共有所有权为理论依据,来分析业主所有说、开发商所有说、约定归属说的利弊,从而提出较为赞同的约定归属说观点,来分析小区车库权属。根据我国《物权法》七十四条所采用的约定归属说的立法缺陷,提出针对性的建议。39332
Research on Ownership of Underground Garage
Abstract:For a long time, as community underground garage of commodity residential facilities, the right ownership was the focus of controversy in both theory and practice.Since "property law" promulgated in 2007, although the village garages ownership provides a legal basis, but is too general folk law regulations and principles, the lack of real operation is practical, is difficult to solve the garage the ownership of the complicated situation.In this paper, from the type of community garage, focuses on the rights of the underground garage, with the property law in the building differentiation ownership, the exclusive ownership and joint ownership as the theoretical basis, to analyze the owner all say, developers said, agreed the pros and cons of attribution said, raising more agree with the provisions of the attribution said point of view, to analyze the community garage the ownership.According to China's "property law" article seventy-four conventions adopted by the ownership legislation defects, put forward: to implement the provisions of the "first of all meet the requirements of the owner", the law should be clear when there is no prescribed and unknown force intervention by the administrative department of ownership, enhance pertinence suggestion.
Keywords:undergroundparking;Garage;PropertyLaw;Buildingdiscrimination property rights;Developers;Ownership
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、小区地下车库在法律属性上构成专有所有权客体    2
二、小区地下车库权利归属的争议现状    3
(一)业主所有说    4
(二)开发商所有说    4
(三)按照当事人之间的约定    5
三、我国《物权法》关于车库权属的立法缺陷    6
(一)对于“首先满足业主需要”的规定过于原则化    6
(二)法条规定笼统粗糙,缺乏实际操作性    7
四、我国小区地下车库权属问题相关建议的提出    7
(一)要落实“首先满足业主的需要”的规定    7
(二)法律应明确在没有约定或约定不明时所有权归属    8
(三)增强行政部门的强制力干预    8
参考文献:    10
致谢    11
随着我国快速发展的经济,国民的生活水平也随之提高,对生活品质的追求日益凸显,私家车成为家家户户的必需品而与日俱增,车库供求矛盾日益突出而愈演愈烈,使原本就紧张的车库的归属权引发了社会各界的高度关注。人们对于住宅小区内的车库的权属问题甚为关心,因权属不清,居民生活基础设施建设的滞后,而引发的业主与开发商之间的社会矛盾屡见不鲜。“车库,一般是指具有封闭性的地下车库,具有独立的空间,以停放车辆为目的且隶属于整个小区的附属建筑物。” 目前车库也分为两种:一种是开发商按照规划用途建造的住宅小区配套设施地下车库;一种是开发商利用小区建筑区划内共用部分的道路和空地而建造的停车位和停车场。对于后者,我国《物权法》第74条第3款规定:“占用业主共用的道路或者其他场地利用停放汽车的车位,属于业主共有。”因此权属相对较为明确,而前者由于法律属性不明确,权属争议较大。 小区地下车库权属研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_39622.html