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时间:2019-09-08 21:17来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:基层政府    信任危机    民众    官员
Introduction to Trust Crisis of the Basic-level Government in Our Country
 Abstract: The government is the central link between the central authorities and the masses, and the basic-level government is more closely connected with the people. All the management and service activities of basic-level government are closely related to people's lives. The masses’ trust in the basic-level government is important to promoting economic growth, democratic development and social stability. But, according to the survey, people’s trust in the basic-level government is significantly lower than the credibility of the central government. This paper mainly through the current situation that the grassroots government is faced with ----mass incidents and civil petition phenomenon occurred frequently and something else, analyzes the causes of basic-level government, the public, the media and social environment. and brings forward various aspects of solving measures ,including the government, citizen, media and social. Hoping that with the joint efforts of many sided, we can re-establish basic trust between the government and people, promoting the administrative efficiency of the government at the grass-roots level in our country.
 Key Words:Basic-level Government,Trust Crisis,Public,Officials
目   录一、基层政府近年来信任形势堪忧    1
二、基层政府信任危机产生的原因    1
(一)基层政府内部的原因    1
(二)公众方面原因    6
(三)媒体传播的原因    7
(四)社会环境的原因    8
三、缓解基层政府信任危机的对策    9
(一)政府层面    9
(二)公众方面    13
(三)媒体传播方面    13
(四)社会环境方面    14
结语    14
参考文献    15
致  谢    16
    政府信任指的是,民众对政府机构、政府人员、政府决策和政府行为的心理预期和评价。[ ]人民群众接触最多的是基层政府官员,因而百姓对基层政府的信任度直接关系到政府政策的有效性,不仅影响政治稳定,而且对于经济发展、社会和谐、文化繁荣等诸方面都有重要影响。
    然而,近几年来,基层政府的种种行为影响了其政府形象,民众对其直接接触的基层政府的信任度逐渐下降。基层政府的信任形势令人堪忧。群体性事件在部分地区尤其是农村地区,发生的次数越来越多。群体性事件是指,由于某些社会矛盾引起的相应的特定人群集合在一起,为了表达自身的某种诉求或文护自身的某些利益而发生的某些暴力冲突事件。[ ]上访是群众为了更加快速、便捷、有效地反映相应的困难、问题,直接越过基层的政府机关,向更高一级的国家机关表达自身诉求的一种方式。然而正是因为基层群众的利益诉求得不到基层政府的回应,或者基层政府的回应得不到百姓的信任,才会频频出现上访事件和群体性事件。这正反映了我国基层政府的信任危机越来越严重。 浅谈我国基层政府的信任危机:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_38985.html