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时间:2019-09-01 19:26来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:网络政治社团  网络反腐  网络政治参与
On the Problems and Countermeasures of Developing Network Political Organizations in China Contemporary
Abstract: Network political participation makes up for the deficiency of the traditional political participation, promotes the development of the online politics. Moreover the combination of online politics and the offline politics has given rise to the generation of network political organizations. The construction of network political organizations can promote the establish of civil society and democracy, government by law etc, and achieve the goal of politics, which is beneficial to develop the network anti-corruption and strengthen the supervision of power. Recently there are irrational "opinion" of opinion leaders in network political organizations in China, which may generate political conflicts and inefficiencies of network political community activities and so on. However, It is possible that these problems can be solved by building equal and tolerant public space and constructing rational public opinion, and strengthening guidance and legislative and regulatory of networks.
 Key Words:Network Political Organizations, Online Political Participation, Network Anti-corruption
 目   录
一、 网络政治社团的产生及现实意义    1
(一)有利于推动公民社会的构建    1
(二)有利于推动民主与法治的实现    1
(三)有利于推进网络反腐目标的实现    2
(四)有利于促进民主对话的实现    2
二、现阶段网络政治社团发展中出现的问题    3
    (一)意见领袖的非理性意见的误导    3
    (二)成为政治冲突的催化剂    3
(三)网络政治社团活动的无效性    4
三、网络政治社团出现的问题的原因分析    4
(一)网络环境存在的特性    4
(二)意见领袖自身政治素质不高    4
(三)公民文化基础薄弱    5
(四)网络监管法律体系不健全    5
(五)网络政治社团成员的参政水平良莠不齐    6
四、解决网络政治社团存在的问题的对策    6
(一)构建平等和包容的公共空间    6
(二)构筑理性的批判和讨论的公共舆论    7
(三)加强对网络政治社团的引导    7
(四)加强网络立法与监管    7
(五)网络政治社团成员应加强自律    8
参考文献    9
致  谢    10
网络政治参与的进步离不开网络的飞速发展。网络政治参与灵活方便,有利于拓宽政治参与渠道并弥补现实政治生活中政治参与渠道的不足,克服了现实政治参与中因技术、时间等因素导致的参与不足,在现实的政治生活中发挥了重要作用。而网络政治社团作为网络政治参与的一个重要载体,其作用更是不可小觑。 现阶段我国网络政治社团发展中存在的问题以及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_38690.html