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时间:2019-04-26 19:57来源:毕业论文

摘要:对日本来说,加入中日韩FTA(Free Trade Agreement)还是TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement),或者两者都加入,不仅关系到经济贸易,更关系到对中韩关系、美日同盟等政治方面。从经济上说,中日韩FTA能够给日本带来比TPP更大的经济利益。但是接近中国是美国所不愿意看到的,况且美国有“自己的”TPP想要日本加入。因此,加入TPP(同时最好是不加入中日韩FTA)不仅可以巩固美日同盟,而且能取悦美国——TPP不包含中国,美国正是要把中国排除在其主导的世界或区域经济秩序之外。然而在如今的世界,如今的美国想要文持其世界霸权已经略显力不从心。日本继续紧跟美国,可能是看错了时代。总的来说,同时加入中日韩FTA和TPP是日本利益最大化的最优选择。不过,鉴于潜在的美国的压力以及面对已经在超越自己的中国的失落和不安全感,日本单独加入TPP可能性很大。针对这种情况,一方面,中国应当在谨慎应对美国及其TPP战略的同时尽量开放地看待TPP;另一方面,面对TPP的强劲发展势头,中国需要以国内改革对标TPP的高标准,提高国内市场与国际市场的一体化程度。34827
毕业论文关键词: 中日韩FTA  TPP  美国  阻力  推力
International political analysis on Japan's choice between Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Japan-Korea Free Trade Agreement
Political science and public administration
Abstract: It is a politic issue connecting to the US-Japan alliance and the relationship with China and South Korea more than an economic issue about trade for Japan in joining CJK FTA(China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Agreement) or TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) or the both.Joining CJK FTA brings more economic benefits to Japan than TPP but doesn't meet the expectations of the US to Japan, while joining TPP is good at strengthening the alliance between US and Japan. So, joining TPP can not only consolidate US-Japan alliance but also please the US¬ because it is exclude China from the world or area economic order dominated by the US that the US wants to. However, the US has already been too powerless to maintain its global hegemony. Japan's continuing to follow the US closely maybe absolutely wrong judgement. All in all, the optimal choice for Japan is joining CJK FTA and TPP simultaneously. But, considering the potential enormous pressure and a sense of loss or insecurity when facing increasingly powerful China, it is great likely for Japan to join TPP only. At this situation, China should view TPP with an open attitude. Simultaneously, some strong reform measures towards TPP's high standards should be implemented so as to increase the degree of integration of the domestic market and the international market.
Keywords: China-Japan-Korea FTA  TPP  USA  Resistance  Thrust force
2008年美国高调加入后次年即提出扩大计划,并更名为“跨太平洋伙伴关系协议”,简称TPP。随后,很快地,澳大利亚、加拿大、马来西亚、墨西哥、秘鲁、越南、日本、韩国和菲律宾先后加入谈判。目前TPP谈判已经囊括太平洋周边大多数国家。另外,TPP是在APEC框架下的自由贸易协定,是参照APEC贸易自由化目标签署的,成员国都认可APEC的目标,坚持开放性,积极吸引APEC成员国参加。 日本自由贸易协定选择的国际政治分析:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_32522.html