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时间:2018-12-30 21:16来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:公共政策 执行监督 贯彻落实
Study on the supervision mechanism of public policy implementation
Abstract:public policy is always the eternal theme of public policy theory,this is because in the formulation of public policy in the implementation process after the end will be affected by various factors,the subjective factors on the one hand,such as the main policy implementation ability,knowledge level and the public understanding of the policy;on the other hand ,there are objective factors,such as the implementation of public policy environment:natural environment,economic environment,political environment,cultural environment,policy object understanding of public policy as well as the degree of recognition and so on,these factors will be in a large extent to hinder the implementation of public policy,which will lead to the results and the process of policy implementation deviation the initial formulation of policy objectivesTo strengthen the supervision of the implementation of public policy can improve the degree of democracy of public policy, which means that public policy can more effectively reflect public opinion,to solve public problems,provide public services,to meet the public demand,truly serve the people;moreover,can improve the scientific level of public policyThe government needs to solve the problem is infinite,but the available resource is limited,which requires public policy must co-ordinate the planning rational use of resourcesFinally,to strengthen the supervision on the implementation of public policy can make public policy be implemented effectively,so that the power of government run in the sun,speed up the building of the pace of sunshine government, service-oriented government!
Key Words: Public policy ,Supervision, Implementation
 目   录
引言 政府的行政管理过程是由多个部分构成的有机统一体,如行政决策、行政领导、行政监督、行政决策、人事行政、财务行政、行政文化等等。在这些过程当中,政策的制定与执行无疑是最重要的一个环节。可以毫不夸张地说,政府主要就是通过公共政策的制定和实施来达到治理社会的目的。然而,当代政府所面临的社会问题千变万化,这些问题不再是简单的、静态的、孤立的问题,而是相互制约、相互影响的具有长期性、复杂性、综合性、动态性的社会问题。同时,随着社会利益的分化,公众对那些与自身利益密切相关的社会问题的关注与日俱增,如住房问题、医疗保险、生态环境、食品安全、公共交通、社会公平等等。如果诸如此类问题的解决不能够让公众满意,那么公众就会对政府制定公共政策的能力、水平、过程以及公共政策的质量产生怀疑和不满。政策执行的过程中出现了机械执行、野蛮执行、扩大执行、终端执行的现象,造成了政策执行的结果偏离了政策制定的目标以及政策主体与政策客体的冲突。研究发现,公共政策执行缺乏强有力的监督是其中最主要原因。政策主体权力不断过大,监督机制存在缺陷、政策执行监督主体监督权威不够、监督意识不强、地位不高、缺乏监督权力,责任追究制度不完备都是导致公共政策执行监督不力的重要原因。通过对公共政策执行的监督机制研究,可以发现我国目前政策执行的监督机制存在哪些缺陷,并就如何提高政公共策执行的监督效能集思广益,为保证政府有力地执行公共政策建言献策,提高公共政策的科学性和可行性。 公共政策执行的监督机制研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_28508.html