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时间:2016-12-17 20:07来源:毕业论文

关 键 词:地方立法  立法质量   质量标准
  With the socialist law system with Chinese characteristics in 2011, marks the proclamation of the formation of China's socialist democracy and the rule of law into the milestone stage, in China also marks the full implementation of the rule of law as a fundamental principle into a new stage of China's future, is of great significance to the legal system construction. Overall, the laws and regulations of our country has been formed complete framework system, make our country's construction, economic development and people's life a fully guarantee production. But specific to laws and regulations, namely, specific to the internal laws and regulations formulated for every one of whether it can really accord with country and in need of social development and in the national and social development in whether can make the contribution and will produce another issue, so formulate a series of laws and regulations evaluation standard becomes necessary, this paper mainly introduces the importance of local quality existence is how to determine the meaning, and the local lawmaking quality assessment standards.
key words :Local legislation  Legislation quality  Quality standards
目   录 浅谈地方立法质量的评价标准  
摘   要    10
一、地方立法质量的含义以及其存在的意义    12
(一)含义    12
1.地方立法质量是包涵着评价国家立法整体效果的范畴。    12
2.地方立法质量包涵评价具体的法律法规的效果的范畴。    12
3.地方立法质量受社会多方面因素的影响。    13
(二)地方立法质量的意义    13
1.地方立法使国家的宪法、法律和行政法规以及其他的国家政策的原则性规定在本行政区域内得到细化实施。    13
2.解决地方特殊问题,需要地方性立法质量得到保证。    13
3.在地方立法制度发展的过程中,地方性立法有先行立法的作用即关于本地区的特殊问题,在调整特殊社会关系的时,国家性立法没有作出相关规定的,地方立法机关可以根据本地区的实际情况制定相关法律法规。    13
4.地方立法要为现代国家机关的正常运作提供法制保障和约束,以此文护法律的权威,保护人们的合法权益不受侵害。    13
四、地方立法质量评价标准的意义    13
(一)构建地方立法质量评价标准    14
1.是国家实现依法治国战略目标的需要。    14
2.是判断地方立法,甚至是判断整个国家立法水平的重要标尺。    14
3.立法质量及其评价标准的研究,能够为立法者提供立法理论和实践指导。    14
4.立法质量标准的确立有助于提高公众的法律素养。    14 浅谈地方立法质量的评价标准:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_1124.html