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时间:2021-05-31 22:46来源:辣文论文

摘 要:随着经济的快速发展和商品的同质化,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,酒店亦是如此。酒店行业由原来的屈指可数到如今的不计其数,可见竞争之激烈,那么使得酒店在竞争之中站稳脚跟的方式不仅仅局限于酒店的名誉声望,还要注重客户的满意程度。客户满意度是衡量酒店是否能长久经营下去的重要指标。“客户就是上帝”的经营理念渐渐深入人心,客户的地位日趋增长。从根本上讲,酒店行业就是服务的行业,想要赢得市场必须要满足客户的需求,从而获得客户的忠诚度。本文以东北大酒店为例,阐述客户满意度的影响因素以及提升策略。67863


Abstract:With the rapid development of economy and the homogenization of commodity, the competition is increasingly fierce among enterprises, even for the hotels. Formerly, the hotel industry could be numbered but now it is countless, therefore, it is obvious that the increasing development of economy. Then, the way of making hotel develop steadily in the competition is not only the reputation of the hotel, but also pay attention to customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is an important index to measure whether the hotel can take long management in business area. As a saying goes, ‘The customer is God’, which has been impressed among people, cause the position of customer increase gradually. Fundamentally speaking, the hotel industry is a service industry, if you want to get achievement in the market, you must meet the needs of customers, so that you can win the loyalty of customers. This paper is citing the northern hotel as an example it expounds the influence factors of customer satisfaction and promotion strategy.      

Keywords:homogenization, customer satisfaction, demand, influence factors

目 录

1  引言 3

2  客户满意度的理论综述 3

2.1  客户满意度的相关概念界定 3

2.2  国内外对客户满意度的研究现状 4

2.3  客户满意度的影响因素分析 5

3  徐州市东北大酒店客户满意度分析 6

3.1  徐州东北大酒店概况 6

3.2  调查问卷的设计与相关情况 7

4  基于问卷调查结果的问题分析 9

4.1  餐饮产品口味差 9

4.2  卫生环境脏乱 9

4.3  服务人员态度冷淡 10

4.4  投诉处理不及时 10

4.5  设施设备不齐全 11

5  客户满意度的提升策略研究 12

5.1  针对餐饮口味差对酒店客户满意度的提升 12

5.2  针对卫生环境脏乱对酒店客户满意度的提升 12

5.3  针对服务质量对酒店客户满意度的提升 12

5.4  针对投诉处理不及时对酒店客户满意度的提升 13

5.5  针对设施设备不齐全对酒店客户满意度的提升 13

结论 15

参考文献 徐州市东北大酒店客户满意度研究:http://www.751com.cn/fanwen/lunwen_76231.html
