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时间:2017-06-13 21:50来源:毕业论文

Title  Preparation and Performance of Porous Ceramic Membrane on the surface  of  Titanium alloy.
In this paper, we take advantage of the technology of anodic oxidation to make oxide layers with several holes on the surface of Ti6Al4V. In the meanwhile, the performance of hardness and biological tribology was improve by adjusting the parameters such as oxidation voltage, oxidation time and so on. The morphology,structure,hardness and roughness of oxide layers were tested. Under the condition of distilled water and lubrication, the biotribology performance of  Ti6Al4V with different load were studied by the pin - disk friction machine.Experimental results show that with the increase of anodic anodization voltage, the roughness and hardness of oxide layer on Ti6Al4V is strengthened slowly. When the voltage is 100V,the radius of holes increases and the roughness ,hardness is strengthened a lot. Friction and wear experiments show that, under high loading, with the increase of oxidation voltage and time, the thickness of oxidation layer increases, the number of holes which store lubricant grows, which providesthe effective lubricating and  buffering function in the friction process,so friction coefficient reduces correspondingly .When oxidation voltage and time is over a certain degree , a large number of holes densely distribute on the sample surface, which makes the surface roughness increased, the friction coefficient increased instead.
 Keywords  titanium alloy  anodic oxidation  film of oxide  wear and friction
目   次
1    绪论  1
1.1  钛及钛合金的性能特点  1
1.2  阳极氧化工艺  3
1.3  本文的研究内容与意义  4
2    实验材料与方法  5
2.1  实验材料及仪器设备  5
2.2  钛合金表面的阳极氧化  6
2.3  表面表征及性能测试  7
3    结果分析与讨论  9
3.1  表面形貌分析  9
3.2  XRD   13
3.3  表面硬度  14
3.4  表面粗糙     15
3.5  阳极氧化钛合金摩擦磨损性能分析  16
结论   20
致谢   21
参考文献 22
钛及钛合金以其良好的生物相容性、在生物环境下优良的抗腐蚀性、与骨相近似的弹性模量以及优异的力学性能和加工性能,成为目前最具优势的生物医学金属材料。采用钛及钛合金制造的股骨头、髋关节、肱骨、颅骨、膝关节、肘关节、肩关节、掌指关节、颌骨以及心瓣膜、肾瓣膜、血管扩张器、夹板、假体、紧固螺钉等上百种金属件移植到人体中,取得了良好的效果,被医学界给予了很高的评价。世界各国的相关研究和大量的临床治疗实例,从深度和广度上认可钛及钛合金是迄今为止最理想的人体植入物金属材料,被当今医疗外科业列为继不锈钢、钴基合金之后崛起的第三代金属[1]。目前,钛及钛合金在国民经济和国防工业上的应用越来越广泛,但钛及钛合金也存在一些固有的缺陷,为了进一步提高和改善其使用特性,需要对其进行表面处理。介绍了一些对钛及钛合金行之有效的先进表面处理技术,如化学处理、阳极氧化处理、化学镀及电镀、微弧氧化、电泳沉积和纳米电沉积等,并对其应用加以讨论和评述。这些表面处理方法大大扩展了钛及钛合金的应用领域,促进了钛及钛合金在各行业领域的应用。随着国家工业和国防现代化的发展,钛及钛合金的应用领域日益扩展和广泛,对其表面进行强化处理的要求也越来越迫切。且表面处理的技术日臻完善,新技术和新工艺不断涌现,大大地促进和扩展了钛及钛合金的应用领域。目前,用于钛及钛合金表面处理的技术方法比较多,应根据钛及钛合金表面的具体要求和使用特性来选择适用的工艺,通常的原则是: 1)工艺可靠,耐久性好; 2)操作简单,使用方便,实用; 3)注意环保,成本较低。 钛合金表面多孔陶瓷膜的制备及其性能研究:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_9175.html