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时间:2017-05-25 21:17来源:毕业论文

关键词    超高分子量聚乙烯  多孔  接枝改性  摩擦性能
Title    Preparation of Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene of Biomimetic porous structure and  studying of the tribological properties
UHMWPEhasexcellent overall performance ,the porous surface .Porous and porous grafted samples were characterized and tested.The results showed that:T - L emulated successfully prepared porous UHMWPE material, with  the increasing of porogen , porosity increased and  formed a connected pore structure;UV light successfully caused MPC grafting polymerization reactions in the porous surface.The contact angles of Porous and grafted modification porous  materials decreased and were lower than non-porous materials with increasing porosity,and the contact angle of grafted modificaion reduced apparently , indicated that the wetting properties of the material had a better;In the  conditions of lubrication with saline and fetal calf serum,the friction coefficient of porous materials was significantly reduced while the grafted porous did the most. coefficient of friction of  the grafted with content 65% NaCl was reduced to about 0.020 in the two lubricants.
Keywords   UHMWPE  Porous  Grafting modification
Tribological properties
1  绪论    1
1.1引言    1
1.2 UHMWPE的改性    3
1.3 多孔材料    10
1.4 主要研究内容及意义    13
2实验部分    14
2.1实验原材料及设备    14
2.2实验方法    15
2.3试验样品    16
3实验性能测试及结果分析    17
3.1 接触角测试    17
3.2 扫描电镜(SEM)    19
3.3红外光谱测试    20
3.4摩擦实验测试    22
结  论    27
致  谢    28
参考文献    29
1  绪论
随着社会水平的提高,人口平均寿命的增加和老龄化的加剧,各种骨与关节疾病,特别是退行性疾病的发病率不断升高以及患者对医疗服务需求的增加极大地刺激了骨与关节外科的发展。近半个世纪以来,随着生物医学工程技术的进步,骨与关节外科的发展更是日新月异。特别是人工关节的出现,使不少人恢复了生活的信心,提高了生活质量,保持了人的尊严。人工关节,如图1,用于临床已有近百年的历史,经科研工作者们的不断努力,人工关节从材料到设计,都取得了很大的进步。随着材料制造技术及医疗技术的发展,人们已             图1 超高分子量聚乙烯表面仿生多孔结构的制备及其摩擦学性能研究:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_7839.html