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时间:2021-05-31 20:49来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:  微齿轮, 7075铝合金, 热微挤压, 尺寸效应 


Title  Fabrication of micro gears by hot extrusion of 7075 aluminum alloy


Product miniaturization has become one of the trends in the manufacturing industry. The demand for micro-gear has been a sharp growth. In this work, the micro extrusion die of micro-gear was designed and manufactured. 7075 aluminum alloy micro-gear with modulus m=0.125mm, number of teeth z=6, diameter of addendum d=1.16mm, was fabricated by hot extrusion. Lubrication, elevated temperature,ECAP processing could make a marked decline of the extrusion pressure, improve the gear surface quality and dimensional accuracy. Grain size on the outer sides of the gear was much smaller than that on the core of the gear. Higher micro-hardness existed near the center region,and decreased slowly to the outer regions. The micro-hardness of gear was increased with the increasing of extrusion temperature.

Key words:  micro-gear, 7075 aluminum alloy, hot micro-extrusion,    size effect

目   次

1  绪论 1

1.1  微齿轮成形技术 1

1.2  微成形尺寸效应 2

1.3  微成形技术发展趋势 3

1.4  7075铝合金简介 4

1.5  本文研究意义与主要内容 4

2  实验材料及方法 6

2.1  实验原料 6

2.2  坯料预处理实验 6

2.3  微成形及测试设备 8

2.4  微齿轮模具 8

2.5  微挤压实验方案 10

2.6  实验分析方法 10

3  7075铝合金微齿轮挤压成形性能研究 11

3.1  微成形挤压力-位移曲线分析 11

3.2  微齿轮的形貌分析 15

3.3  工艺条件对成形性的影响 17

3.4  本章小结 18

4  7075铝合金微齿轮微观组织及力学性能 18

4.1  微观组织分析 18

4.2  硬度测试结果及分析 21

4.3  本章小结 22

结  论 24

致  谢 25

参 考 文 献 26

1  绪论

齿轮是一种近代机械制造应用的最为广泛的机械传动零件。齿轮传动具有传动效率高、传递功率范围广、速度范围大、结构紧凑、维护简便、工作平稳可靠且使用寿命长等优点[1]。微型齿轮作为微机电系统中重要的结构件,随着微机电系统的飞速发展,其需求量也急剧增长。目前围绕着不同用途、不同材料的微型齿轮加工工艺展开研究已然成为近几年来的重点和热点 [2]。 7075铝合金微型齿轮挤压工艺研究:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_76161.html
