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时间:2017-05-17 16:37来源:毕业论文

Abstract:   NR and EPDM are common rubber material. They are applied in many areas. In this paper, based on the need to develop new products for business, we should select one material from NR and EPDM to be the main material to make rubber elbow. For these two rubber, we compare and research their wear resistance when they are scoured by hard particles. Research indicates that NR is similar with EPDM on the mechanical properties, EPDM is better than NR on wear resistance, in addition EPDM has good Anti-aging properties, it can be long-term used above 100℃. The results of this paper contain important theoretical value and practical significance to design and production of company.
Keywords: NR; EPDM;rubber elbow;wear resistance; anti-aging properties
1    绪论    1
1.1    天然橡胶(NR)    1
1.1.1    概述    1
1.1.2    用途    1
1.1.3    性能    2
1.2    三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)    3
1.2.1    概述    3
1.2.2    性能    3
1.2.3    改性产品    5
1.2.4    应用及发展    5
1.3    橡胶管    7
1.4    国内外胶管发展    8
1.4.1    国外发展    8
1.4.2    国内发展    9
1.5    本文的研究目的和意义    9
1.6    本文的研究内容    10
2    实验部分    11
2.1    实验原料及仪器    11
2.1.1    实验原料及来源    11
2.1.2    仪器设备    12
2.2    实验步骤    13
2.2.1    实验流程图    13
2.2.2    配方确定    14
2.2.3    生产工艺确定    18
2.2.4    材料力学性能测试    20
2.2.5    材料磨耗性能测定    23
2.2.6    材料耐冲刷磨损性能测定    25
2.2.7    材料老化性能测定    27
3    结果与讨论    29
3.1    橡胶混炼特性比较    29
3.2    材料力学性能比较    29
3.3    材料耐磨性能比较    31
3.3.1    喷砂磨耗性能比较    32
3.3.2    阿克隆磨耗性能比较    36
3.4    材料老化性能比较    37
4    结论    40
致谢    41
参考文献    41 NR和EPDM耐冲刷磨损性能比较研究:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_7197.html