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时间:2018-07-05 18:06来源:毕业论文

关键词  铝基复合材料  SiC颗粒  真空钎焊  钎料  显微硬度  剪切强度
Title    The composite solder connection technology of    
 aluminum matrix composites                         
Aluminum matrix composite welding is gradually valued because of its reliability, development and wide use.Vacuum brazing is regarded as a good way of aluminum matrix composite welding. To study how to get welding seams of high quality and good mechanical property in welding procedure, I take aluminum matrix composite as the experiment subject, and start vacuum brazing by adding different volume fractions of SiC enhanced particles in solders. After observing microstructures of the welding joint and measuring microhardness and shear strength of welding seams, I find: SiC particles provide better wettability in brazing seams and increase the reinforced phase, also improve the property of joint seams. The other finding is: if there are more SiC particles, the liquidity will be worse, producing weak connections of silicon carbides. When this kind of weak connections increases, it’s easy to form particles partial poly and crack tendency.
Keywords  Aluminum matrix  composites  SiC particles  Vacuum brazing  Solder  Microhardness  Shear strength
目   次
1 绪论    1
1.1 选题背景及意义    1
1.2 铝基复合材料制备方法及研究现状    1
1.3 铝基复合材料焊接的方法介绍及其特点    2
1.4 颗粒增强铝基复合材料的钎焊方法及研究现状    5
1.5 研究内容及技术路线    6
2 试验材料及设备    8
2.1 试验材料    8
2.2 试验设备    9
3 采用HL400钎料连接铝基复合材料试验    11
3.1 不同工艺参数对连接的影响    11
3.2 实验准备    11
3.3 试样接头外观和显微结构分析    13
3.4 接头力学性能分析    17
结    论    21
致    谢    22
1  绪论
1.1  选题背景及意义
随着工业的发展,许多原有的技术已经无法满足要求,于是研究者们把目光投向了高新技术。近年来,高新技术正在迅猛发展,对材料性能和轻量化等方面提出了越来越苛刻的挑战。随着材料应用越来越广泛,现实生活中,我们会发现传统简单的材料如金属、陶瓷、高分子等已经无法满足使用中所需要的全部性能。在这种情况下,复合材料成了一种受人欢迎的选择。因为铝基复合材料良好的物理性能,外加成本低廉等优点而应用在航空航天、军事装备、车辆和电子封装等领域[1]。总体来讲,铝基复合材料具备了单一成分材料无法达到的优势。 复合钎料连接铝基复合材料工艺:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_18988.html