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时间:2018-06-07 22:21来源:毕业论文

关键词  钛—钢复合板  爆炸焊  电子束焊接  焊接工艺
Title    Electron beam welding of titanium steel explosive clad plate                 
Titanium clad steel plate with steel plasticity and strength and excellent corrosion resistance of titanium , often used in the defense industry in general , such as , military , nuclear and other fields. When butt welding of titanium clad steel plate . However, the effect of titanium - steel explosion composite quality factor more, the process conditions are the main factors affecting its quality. This article from the explosive welding parameter theory , electron beam welding of titanium - steel explosion process conditions were studied composites
In this paper, 1 +10 mmTA1 + Q235 titanium clad steel plate as the object of study , the use of electron beam welding of titanium clad steel plate splicing has been studied using electron beam welding to precisely control the depth of penetration advantages of small heat-affected zone , the first steel side electron beam welding, the titanium side of the groove opening 30 for adding vanadium titanium steel wire welded joint surface , and finally covered with titanium for surface treatment , to obtain a full penetration weld type , by adjusting the welding parameters get a good weld joints. Combination of a crystalline phase and EDS observation of vanadium and iron content of the titanium intermediate layer at a concentration gradient , while the intermediate layer of the titanium-vanadium iron detected coexistence region , but not large microcracks , brittle phase content is limited.
Keywords  titanium steel clad plate  Explosive Welding  Electron beam welding  Welding process
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题背景    1
1.2  爆炸焊接的基本理论和工艺流程    1
1.2.1  爆炸焊接的发展历程    1
1.2.2  爆炸焊接的基本理论    2
1.2.3  爆炸焊接的工艺流程    4
1.3  电子束焊接    6
1.4  钛钢复合板的焊接性能及研究现状    7
1.6  本课题的研究目的和内容    7
1.6.1  研究目的    7
1.6.2  研究内容    7
2  试验材料和方法    8
2.1  实验材料    8
2.2  电子束焊接系统    8
2.3  实验过程与检测方法    9 钛钢爆炸复合板电子束焊接工艺研究:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_17172.html