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时间:2018-04-17 18:24来源:毕业论文

摘要:本文通过乳液聚合法制备了酮肼交联丙烯酸酯树脂水性上光油、叔碳丙烯酸酯树脂水性上光油、N-羟甲基丙烯酰胺交联丙烯酸树脂水性上光油。 研究了助剂的添加量对水性上光油加工性能和使用性能的影响。测定了各类水性上光油的硬度、粘度、耐水性、光泽度、抗黏连性、干燥速度、耐摩擦性等。研究表明,在高粘度时流平剂的添加量为0.1%-0.15%时,水性上光油成膜效果最好;乙醇的添加量为1%时,水性上光油干燥效果最显著;蜡助剂的添加量为1%时,水性水性上光油的耐磨性和抗粘连性最好。21332
毕业论文关键词:水性光油;性能;上光工艺; 助剂
The study on the Waterborne glazing oil used on wallpaper
Abstract : In this paper, the ketone prepared by emulsion polymerization method hydrazine crosslinking acrylate resin waterborne glazing oil, tertiary carbon waterborne glazing oil acrylate resin and N - methylol acrylamide crosslinking acrylic waterborne glazing oil. Additive was studied to add the amount on the properties of waterborne glazing oil processing performance and using effect. The determination of the hardness of all kinds of waterborne glazing oil, viscosity, water resistance, gloss, adhesion resistance, drying speed and frictional resistance, etc. Research shows that in high viscosity flow ping agent content of 0.1% - 0.15%, waterborne glazing oil film-forming effect is best; Ethanol content was 1%, the most significant effect of waterborne glazing oil dry; Wax additives adding amount was 1%, the adhesion resistance and abrasion resistance of waterborne glazing oil water is best.
 Key Words : Waterborne glazing oil; Performance; Glazing process; additives
1绪论    1
1.1 水性上光油的的组成    2
1.2上光工艺的分类及其对水性上光油的要求    3
1.2.1按上光机与印刷机的关系分类    3
1.2.2 按上光方法分类    3
1.2.3 按上光产品类型分类    5
1.3 水性流平剂的概述    5
1.4 水性流变助剂的概述    5
1.5泡沫控制助剂的概述    6
1.6蜡助剂的概述    7
1.7 研究意义及目的     8
2实验    9
2.1 主要原料名称﹑规格和来源    9
2.2 水性上光油的制备工艺     9
2.2.1 酮肼交联水性上光油     9
2.2.2 叔丙水性上光油     9
2.2.3 N-羟甲基丙烯酰胺水性上光油     10
2.3 测试方法     10
2.3.1吸水率的测试    10
2.3.2 光泽度的测定    10
2.3.3 粘连性的测定    11
2.3.4 干燥速度的测定    11
2.3.5 动态力学性能分析    11
2.3.5 抗粘连性测定    11
2.3.7耐磨性的测定    11
3结果与讨论    13
3.1三种水性光油玻璃化温度的DMA表征    13
3.2助剂对三种水性上光油加工性能的影响    13
3.2.1 蜡助剂对水性上光油热粘连性的影响    13
3.2.2 乙醇含量对水性上光油干燥时间的影响    14
(1)乙醇含量对叔丙交联水性上光油干燥时间的影响    15
(2)乙醇含量对N-羟甲基交联丙烯酸水性上光油干燥时间的影响    15
(3)乙醇含量对酮肼交联水性上光油干燥时间的影响    16
(4) 乙醇含量对3种水性上光油干燥时间的影响比较    16
3.2.3 水性流变助剂对上光油粘度的影响    18 高性能壁纸印刷用水性上光油:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_13488.html