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时间:2021-07-30 21:25来源:毕业论文
逆变弧焊电源的基础上对移相全桥 ZVZCS PWM 变换器 中运用最普遍的电路进行了较详细的分析与探讨,分析了其电路的工作的普遍规 律与方案以及达成软开关的前提与要求

摘 要本文首先对弧焊电源的发展进行了分析与展望,分析了本文的研究意义并提 出研究方法。对比分析了传统的移相全桥 ZVS PWM 变换器与移相全桥 ZVZCS PWM 变换器的优点与缺点,并进一步的剖析与探究移相全桥 ZVZCS PWM 变换器。本文在逆变弧焊电源的基础上对移相全桥 ZVZCS PWM 变换器 中运用最普遍的电路进行了较详细的分析与探讨,分析了其电路的工作的普遍规 律与方案以及达成软开关的前提与要求,并详细说明了它的优点与缺陷。结合移 相全桥 ZVZCS PWM 的达成所需要的条件从而对主电路进行器件的选型与计算, 并分析实现主电路软开关的方法。最后在弧焊电源的基础上对电路的主控制器与 保护电路进行了初步设计。69947

该论文有图 14 幅,参考文献 29 篇

毕业论文关键词:逆变弧焊电源 移相全桥变换器 软开关 保护电路

Design of Arc Welding Power Source Circuit

Abstract First of all analyses the development and expectation of arc welding power source, analysis of the significance of this study and proposed research methods. Comparative analysis of the traditional phase-shifted full bridge ZVS PWM converter with ZVZCS PWM phase-shifted full-bridge converter with the advantages and disadvantages, and further analysis and exploration ZVZCS PWM phase-shifted full-bridge converter. Inverter arc welding power supply in this paper on the basis of ZVZCS PWM for phase-shifted full-bridge converter using the most popular circuits are more detailed analysis and discussion, analysis of its general  laws and programmes as well as soft-switching premise and requirement, and state its advantages and disadvantages. Combined with ZVZCS PWM phase-shifted full-bridge to reach the needed conditions and devices of the main circuit selection and calculation and analysis method of main circuit of soft switch. Finally in the arc welding power source based on the circuit of the main controller has been designed with the protection circuit.

The paper chart 14, 30 references are presented.

Key Words: arc welding inverter power source Phase-shifted full-bridge converter with soft switching circuit protection requirements are analyzed on the basis of, and finally in the arc welding power source based on the protection circuit is designed.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

图清单 V

1 绪论 1

1.1 弧焊电源的现在发展情况 1

1.2 研究弧焊电源的目的与意义 2

1.3 本文主要研究的内容 2

1.4 本文主要研究方法 3

1.5 本章小结 3

2 弧焊电源主电路设计 4

2.1 移相全桥 ZVZCS PWM 变换器介绍 4

2.2 弧焊电源单元电路设计 7

2.3 弧焊电源主电路设计 9

2.4 主电路软开关的实现 14

2.5 本章小结 15

3 控制系统设计 16

3.1 关于弧焊电源电气性能的基本要求 16

3.2 弧焊电源调节性能要求 19

3.3 弧焊电源动特性的要求 ZVZCSPWM弧焊电源电路设计:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_79040.html
