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时间:2021-05-28 22:25来源:毕业论文

摘 要:在能源危机和气候变暖问题越来越严重的今天,节能与环保已成为社会焦点议题。照明方面,LED 具有长寿命、无污染、抗冲击和耐震动的鲜明特点。虽然 LED 的发光效 率正在不断提高,但是因为 LED 配套的驱动器性能不佳,故障率高,成为 LED 推广应用 的瓶颈。因此研究适合市电照明的 LED 驱动电源,实现 LED 的通用照明,具有很强的理 论意义与现实意义。

论文对开关电源的反激原理进行深入的研究,根据原边恒流控制技术设计LED驱动电 源,并对电路中主要模块的参数以及磁芯变压器进行了设计与优化,实验结果表明,该电 源的设计与测试结果符合电路的设计要求。67579

毕业论文关键词:    LED 驱动电源,反激,磁芯,变压器


ABSTRACT:Nowadays the energy crisis and global warming problem is getting worse, energy

conservation and environment protection has become the focus of the concern, In terms of lighting, LED has long life, the distinctive characteristics of no pollution, impact resistance and vibration resistance. Although the LED light-emitting efficiency is gradually improving, but the driver performance matching with the LED lamp is poor, high failure rate has become the bottleneck of LED application. Research and development of LEDs drivers, compatible with civil electrical system, has a strong theoretical and practical significance.

According to the original edge design LED constant current which is the driving power control technology, paper studies deeply on the principle of the flyback switch power supply and to design and optimize the parameters of the main modules in the circuit as well as core transformer. Besides ,the experiment results show that the design of the power supply and test results conform to the requirements of the design of the circuit.

Keywords:LED drivers, Flyback, Magnetic core, Transformer

1 绪论 4

1.1 前言 4

1.2 LED 驱动简介 4

1.3 LED 驱动电源研究现状 5

1.4 课题研究的意义 6

2 反激电路的工作原理 6

2.1 主电路拓扑 6

2.2 反激电路电流连续时的工作原理 7

2.3 反激电路的基本关系 8

3 LED 驱动电源的设计 9

3.1 电路设计方案选择 9

3.2 主电路的设计分析 10

4 控制电路设计 17

4.1 功率因数校正技术 17

4.2 控制芯片 18

5 实验结果与分析 23

5.1 恒流驱动开关电源测试结果 基于原边恒流控制技术LED驱动器设计+PCB电路图:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_75819.html
