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时间:2021-04-08 21:55来源:毕业论文




Abstract:Also known as the capacitor dielectric constant rate, with ε he said that the electrostatics, electromagnetism or electrical engineering is an important physical quantity, and therefore permittivity measurements become an important part of physical experiments and engineering applications.,scm system using the measurement configuration makes sense to measure the dielectric constant.

This paper presents a detection system constituted by the indirect measurement of the AT89C51 microcontroller and 555 timers dielectric constant method. This method is the measurement of the dielectric constant of the capacitor into the measurement, and capacitance measurements can be measured by the microcontroller and its periodic rectangular wave conversion. That measure ε by ε → C → T transitions. Through this system can detect the value of the dielectric constant, and while the results are displayed digitally, and more accurate measurement accuracy.

Key words: permittivity ,AT89C51 microcontroller ,555 timer ,detection system


1 前言 3

2 基于单片机的数字化介电常数测量仪的设计 5

2.1 设计方案 5

2.2硬件任务的设计 6

2.3总电路图设计 6

3 基于AT89C51单片机的测量系统硬件设计详细分析 7

3.1 AT89C51单片机工作电路 7

3.2 基于AT89C51单片机测量系统复位电路 8

3.3 基于AT89C51测量系统时钟电路 9

3.4 基于AT89C51测量系统按键电路 11

3.5 基于AT89C51测量系统555电路 11

3.6 基于AT89C51测量系统显示电路 13

4 基于单片机电容测量软件设计 15

4.1 软件设计 15

4.2 软件设计任务 16

4.3 软件设计的工具 16

4.4 程序设计算法设计 16

4.5 软件设计流程 17

4.6 编写程序 18

5 结果分析 25

6 主要元器件介绍 25

结  论 30

参考文献 31

致 谢 32

1 前言

近代社会,随着半导体工业和材料学的的飞速发展,材料的种类也五花八门,材料的介电常数大小对其应用有很大的影响。比如说低介电常数材料依然是当前集成电路工艺研究的重要课题,高介电常数材料是当前微电子行业最热门的研究课题之一。介电常数的大小决定了材料的特性及应用,那么如何快速的测量出介电常数的大小呢? AT89C51单片机检测系统间接测量介电常数+电路图:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_72609.html
