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时间:2021-02-24 21:31来源:毕业论文

摘要 贵阳市的轨道交通2号线二期工程机场站~小碧站的位置在贵阳市南明区。其中,机场站~YCK46+434已经通过段机场站先期施作完成,线路从YCK46+434处右偏下穿过机场路匝道、贵新路及匝道填方路基所围成的积水洼地、贵新路以及机场路旁加油站后沿着机场路敷设至小碧站,本区间隧道全长496.2m(YCK46+434~+930.2),线间距10~13.90m,轨面埋深0~16.1m,YCK46+434~+579段采用明挖法施工,YCK46+579~+930.2段采用暗挖施工。本毕业设计对该隧道进行了净空断面设计,根据工程类比拟定了结构尺寸,之后进行了内力和变形分析、隧道衬砌结构配筋计算与检算,并绘制了配筋图;最后撰写了施工方案,绘制了施工流程图。63452


Structural Design of Right Tunnel Underground Tunnel in Guiyang Light Rail Line

Abstract  Guiyang City Rail Transit Line 2 Phase II Airport Station ~ Xiaobi Station is located in Guiyang City Nanming District. Among them, the airport station ~ YCK46 +434 section has been completed by the airport station ahead of the line from the YCK46 +434 right side down through the airport road ramp, your new road and ramp fill roadbed surrounded by water, (YCK46 + 434 ~ +930.2), the line spacing of 10 ~ 13.90m, the depth of the rails 0 ~ 16.1m, YCK46, the length of the tunnel between the road and the subway station, + 434 ~ +579 section using the open digging method construction, YCK46 +579 ~ +930.2 paragraph using dug construction. In this graduation design, the design of the tunnel clearance was designed. According to the engineering analogy, the structural dimensions were worked out. The internal force and deformation analysis were carried out. The reinforcement and calculation of the tunnel lining structure were carried out. The reinforcement scheme was drawn. The construction plan was written and the construction flow chart.


1.绪论 1

1.1 课题的含义以及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状与水平 1

1.2.1国内分析 1

1.2.2国外分析 2

1.3发展趋势 3

1.4本课题的任务 3

2. 工程概况 4

2.1 设计依据

2.2设计范围 4

2.3主要设计原则及标准 4

2.3.1设计原则 4

2.3.2 设计标准 5

2.3.3  结构耐久性要求 5

2.4原始条件及数据: 6

2.5地质概况 6

2.5.1气象、水文 7

2.5.3地层岩性 7

2.6地质构造及地震烈度 8

2.6.1 地质构造 8

2.6.2 地震烈度 8

2.7 水文地质条件 8

2.7.1 地表水 8

2.7.2 地下水 9

2.8  不良地质现象 9

2.8.1 岩溶 9

2.8.2 煤系地层、采空、瓦斯情况及石膏层 9

2.8.3  软塑红黏土层 贵阳轻轨2号线机小区间右线暗挖隧道结构设计:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_69988.html
