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时间:2021-01-12 20:38来源:毕业论文




Train Dynamics Performance Reserch Under The Track Irregularities

Abstract:Orbit for railway industry is the most important infrastructure, the quality of the track directly affects the wheel/rail system and the vibration of the train. Smooth trajectory problem is the core of the railway industry cannot be ignored. So the study of dynamic performance under track irregularity is of great significance. The main content of this paper is through the SIM-PACK software modeling to join the foreign typical track spectrum analysis of  the Stability, safety and comfort.

Firstly introduces some research on this aspect both at home and abroad, then introduces about the reasons for the formation of track irregularity, influence and classification. Due to randomness of orbital uneven, so introduce the track irregularity power spectrum and power spectral density of concept, then introduce some typical track spectrum of turbulence at home and abroad. Then using SIMPACK software modeling, Orbit incentive to choose the high class AAR1 to AAR6 and Germany spectrum interference spectrum and low interference to Re-search under the effect of the turbulence disturbance of orbit when the data chart to analysis under the track irregularities of passenger car dynamic performance of the model from three as-pects as stability, safety and comfort. Analysis found that the six grade level of the orbital spec-trum AAR6 spectrum has better aspects, and low interference spectrum is better than that of high interference spectrum in Germany.

Key  Words: Track irregularity;SIMPACK; Stability; Security; Travelling comfort

1绪论 1

1.1课题选题背景 1

1.2本课题的目的及意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 1

1.4本文主要内容 2

2  轨道不平顺 4

2.1轨道不平顺的概述 4

2.1.1轨道不平顺简述 4

2.1.2轨道不平顺原因及影响 4

2.1.3轨道不平顺分类 5

2.1.4轨道不平顺特征 7

2.2功率谱密度 7

2.2.1功率谱的定义 7

2.2.2功率谱提供的信息及用途 7
