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时间:2020-11-16 11:53来源:毕业论文





Title   Night  Vision Image Denoising Algorithm Based on Matlab Software


Night vision image denoising algorithm based on Matlab is necessary and it has great theoretical significance and practical value in contemporary military and civilian areas.

This paper mainly analysis and discuss the neighborhood average method, median filtering method, wiener filtering method and the hard threshold filtering method of image denoising algorithm. Firstly the common image processing functions and its applications will be introduced. Secondly the principles and characteristics of the four denoising algorithms will be elaborated. Finally using Matlab software to simulate a night vision image denoising algorithm. Then getting some conclusions from the simulation denoising analysis: mean filtering is typical of linear filter, which is better used for gauss noise. Nonlinear filtering method is commonly used median filtering,it is useful to filter salt and pepper noise; Wiener filter can highlight the edge of the image. Hard threshold can preserve the edges of the image and other local properties better than the ones mentioned.

 Keywords: Night vision image; Average neighborhood; Median filtering; Wiener filtering; Hard threshold filtering

1  绪论 1

1.1  夜视成像系统的发展现状 1

1.2  噪声基本分类与特性 3

1.3 本文的主要工作 5

2   夜视图像的去噪算法 6

2.1  夜视图像的噪声特点 6

2.2  维纳滤波法 6

2.3  中值滤波法 8

2.4  邻域平均法 10

2.5  小波去噪 11

3 夜视图像去噪算法的MATLAB仿真 13

3.1  MATLAB简介 13

3.2  去噪前期处理 15

3.3 各种滤波仿真后结果比较 16

3.4 小结 19

结  论 20

致  谢 21

参考文献 22

附  录 23 

1  绪论

在科技发展飞速的今天,掌握先进的军事手段是非常必要的,而军事中的夜视技术也是非常重要的一个部分。夜视图像的去噪处理在该技术中所占比重非常大。在图像获取、图像传输等过程中,都不可避免地含有噪声,图像噪声的存在严重影响了图像的处理效果,图像去噪有利于图像的后续处理[1]。所以,对于各类图像进行处理,去除图像的噪声,将图像质量尽可能地提高,这也已经成为当前很多人研究的关键。 Matlab夜视图像去噪算法研究+程序:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_64898.html
