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时间:2020-09-10 21:38来源:毕业论文

摘 要:C5116A立式车床因其良好的普遍适用性赢得了现代很多厂商的青睐,也为其制造商带来了很大的经济效益。但是,复杂功能的背后一定有着些许的弊病,机床内部复杂的电气线路无形的将它的调试、日常维护及维修难度增大。针对这些问题,可以利用PLC对C5116A电气控制系统进行改造,尽量使其原来的控制方式保持不变,而使该立式车床的电气控制系统得到合理的简化,从而达到降低机床的故障率和提高生产效率的目的。本文介绍了PLC的背景及基本工作原理,陈述了利用PLC对C5116A立式车床进行改造的过程,提出了此次改造的总体构思,例如阐述了PLC在改造中的应用,对部分电路的调试过程做出了说明,设计了改造所用的梯形图。55842


Abstract: C5116A-Vertical-Lathe has won the favour of many modern manufacturers for its well universal applicability. It has also brought great economic benefits for it’s producers. However, there will be some flaws because of it’s complex function, and the machine’s internal complex electrical wirings which are invisible make it harder to debug, maintain and repair. To solve these problems, the use of PLC for the modification of the C5116A’s electrical control system may be worked. We save it’s original control method as far as possible, and on the other hand, we need to do our best to make the C5116A-Vertical-Lathe’s electrical control system simplified, so as to we can reduce the machine’s failure rate and achieve the aim of improving production efficiency. This paper has made the introduntion on the background and the basic working principle of PLC. The process of C5116A-Vertical-Lathe’s modification which is based on PLC has also been stated in this paper. It has putted forward a general conception of the reform, for example, this paper expounded the PLC’s application in the reconstruction, introduced the debugging process of the part of the circuit, and designed the ladder diagram of this modification.

Keywords:C5116A, Electric modification, PLC, Ladder diagram

目  录

1 前言 4

1.1 PLC简介 5

1.1.1  PLC的特点 5

1.1.2  PLC的工作流程 5

1.2 C5116A立式车床简介 6

1.2.1 C5116A立式车床工作过程 7

1.2.2 C5116A立式车床的控制流程图 8

2 C5116A立式车床控制系统的设计 9

2.1 改造控制系统所需的PLC选型 9

2.2 控制系统的I/O地址分配表 11

2.3 改造后的系统的电路设计 13

3 PLC梯形图的编写 18

3.1 PLC梯形图的编写 18

结  论 24

参考文献 25

致  谢 26

1 前言

随着现代工业技术及我国经济的快速发展,传统的需要大量人力投入的车床控制工艺已经不太符合现代快速的生产及低成本的要求,在生活节奏越发加快的今天,信息化及智能化的生产越来越成为现代工业生产过程中的主旋律。但是,由于长期依赖进口导致我国数控机床业仍旧处于欠发达阶段,特别在高档数控机床的领域中,这种落后感尤为明显,缺乏在国际市场中的竞争力,最终的结果就是更加的落后。出现这些问题其主要原因包括:缺乏数控方向的技术型人才、为客户服务的意识的不足和连续性研究方面的缺乏,以及国家对这方面关注度不足,这些种种原因足够导致我国的数控机床在国际市场中的落后局面。[1] C5116A立式车床电气控制系统PLC改造+梯形图:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_60207.html
