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时间:2017-03-20 20:42来源:毕业论文

关键词: PID控制,模糊控制,聚合反应釜,MATLAB。
The application and simulation of advanced process control in polymerization reactor
Abstract: With the gradual development of modern industry, in industrial production, temperature, pressure, flow rate and liquid level is the most common four process variables. Among them, the temperature is a very important process variable. For example: in the metallurgical industry, chemical industry, power industry, machinery processing and food processing and many other areas, their temperature need to be controlled like all kinds of heating furnace, heat treatment furnace, reactor and polymerization reactor . Under different production conditions and technological requirements for temperature control, heating mode, fuel, the control scheme is also different, and the ordinary PID control for polymerization reactor control system control performance is poor, so the system requires more advanced control technology and control theory, which requires such as predictive control and fuzzy control and other advanced control scheme to study the improvement method, achieve the goal of a better control performance.
Key words: PID control; fuzzy control;polymerization reactor;MATLAB


绪 论    1
1.研究背景    2
1.1 课题来源    2
1.2 课题研究的背景及学术意义    ...2
1.3 聚合反应釜简介    3
1.4 聚合过程釜温控制方法概述    3
1.4.1 聚合过程釜温控制难点    3
1.4.2 常用控制策略分析    4
1.5 MATLAB软件    5
1.5.1 MATLAB软件介绍    5
1.5.2 基于MATLAB的模糊控制器的设计与仿真    6
2. 聚合反应工艺流程    7
2.1 PVC生产工艺流程简介    7
2.2 聚合釜热量系统控制    8
2.3 PVC 聚合釜温动态特性分析    10
2.3.1 聚合过程温度模型分析    10
2.4 聚合釜温解析模型特性仿真分析    11
3. 先进控制理论    14
3.1 普通PID控制优缺点    14
3.2神经网络控制    14
3.3 模糊控制    15
3.3.1 常规模糊控制理论    15
3.3.2 模糊控制在聚合反应釜温度控制领域的研究    16
3.3.3 模糊逻辑控制结构    16
3.3.4 清晰量模糊化运算    17
3.3.5 控制规则库的建立    18
3.4 模糊PID控制    19
3.4.1模糊PID控制简介    19
4. PVC聚合釜釜温模糊PID控制器设计及仿真    20
4.1 PVC聚合反应釜温度的PID控制器设计及仿真    20
4.1.1 常规PID调节规律简述    20
4.1.2 PID控制器仿真    21
4.2 模糊PID控制器设计及仿真    23
4.2.1 模糊控制系统结构分析    23 MATLAB先进控制在聚合釜中的应用仿真:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_4319.html