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时间:2019-11-27 19:20来源:毕业论文



Large Sample Data Preprocessing Method And It’s Application

Abstract:In today's explosive growth in the amount of information so that information to identify and process data becomes difficult, so data mining, classification and pretreatment technology to be developed. This study is the large sample data preprocessing algorithm based on Bayesian probability and statistics on the basis of characteristic data to identify, and to make it reach the next with minimal risk to achieve classification, and classification on the basis of pretreatment. The simulation experiment has been minimal risk classification, classified after pretreatment is completed. Minimum risk Bayesian classifier enables the classification probability of a risk to a minimum, reduce the loss of classification; large sample data preprocessing for effective analysis of these massive data, import the data from the front end to a large, centralized distribution database, or distributed storage cluster, and do some simple cleaning and pre-treatment on the basis of work in the lead.

Key Words: Large sample data preprocessing; Pattern classification; Minimum risk; Association Rules

目    录

摘要 1

引言 2

1.模式识别与大样本数据预处理 2

1.1模式识别简介 2

1.2模式的描述方法 2

1.3模式识别系统 3

1.4分类器的设计与选择 4

1.5大样本数据分析的五个基本方面 4

1.6大样本数据预处理 5

2.贝叶斯分类器的设计 6

2.1贝叶斯分类器设计原理 6

2.2贝叶斯估计 6

2.3基于先验知识的贝叶斯决策 7

2.4最小风险贝叶斯分类器 9

3.大样本数据特征空间优化 9

3.1大样本数据的特征选择 9

3.2大样本数据的特征评估 10

3.3基于主成分分析的特征提取 10

3.4特征空间描述与分析 13

4.基于最小风险的贝叶斯分类实现 14

5.结束语 15

参考文献 15

致谢 17


数据挖掘在海量数据中使用一种算法来找到有价值数据。现如今,将基于数据挖掘技术的电脑,然后利用概率统计,为了达到这些目标,当前着力研究模式识别方法,这也是一个迅速发展的跨学科领域。像动物大脑一样,一定要使用模式识别来识别样本对象。人们观察各种事物或现象,观察随着时间的推移,当从小观察到一定程度的一些自然研究的形成在脑的概念的物理现象,这些概念反映的主要特征或事物性质之间的异同。本文从这个出发点,运用模式识别分类方法设计贝叶斯分类器,探索出一个预处理方法可对大样本数据进行预处理,并进行演示。 贝叶斯大样本数据预处理方法及其应用研究:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_42432.html
