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时间:2019-04-30 20:52来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 城轨列车;matlab;牵引计算;能耗
Research and Design of Energy Consumption Calculation System for Urban Rail Transit Based on Matlab
Abstract:In recent years, when the urbanization process accelerates, it is an effective way to solve the traffic problem by developing urban rail transit. However, it will also bring great energy consuming and high operating costs. Therefore, after satisfying the city’s demand of urban rail transit, saving energy is an important research. And this research will be based on matlab emulating software to design a system which calculates the amount of energy consuming automatically. By making a research on the rationale of calculating the train operates, including related parameters of city rail train , formula and stress analysis, operation status, train operation energy consumption calculation, respectively calculates and analysis the two different types of urban rail’s force curve, operation time and energy consumption, when they run in different conditions.And The result shows the accuracy and convenience of the system.
KeyWords:  urban rail transit;matlab;traction calculation;energy consumption
1绪论    1
1.1 选题的目的和意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1 国外研究现状    2
1.2.2 国内研究现状    2
1.2.3 发展趋势    3
1.3本课题的研究内容    3
1.4论文工作流程及章节安排    4
2城轨列车能耗计算原理    6
2.1 列车受力分析    6
2.1.1 牵引力    6
2.1.2 阻力    8
2.1.3 制动力    11
2.2 城轨列车的运行状态    12
2.2.1 牵引状态    13
2.2.2 惰行状态    13
2.2.3 制动状态    13
2.2.4 运行状态的转换    13
2.2.5 列车最优运行策略    16
2.3 列车运行方程    17
2.4 列车运行能耗计算    18
2.4.1 牵引运行耗电量    18
2.4.2 惰行、制动及停站自用电量    19
3软件的设计与开发    20
3.1软件介绍    20
3.2 系统结构设计    20
3.3 Matlab GUI界面制作    21
3.4 软件使用情况    24
4算例分析    28
4.1 通过excel进行运行能耗的计算    28
4.2 通过excel进行图表制作    29
5总结与展望    31
5.1 总结    31
5.2 展望    31
致谢    32
参考文献    33
附录    35
随着这些年经济的迅速增长,中国的城市轨道交通事业也蓬勃发展,这给市民们带来了无比快捷的一种交通出行方式的选择,同时缓解了陆上交通的拥堵,但这也给社会带来了巨大的能源消耗以及运营成本。能源作为人类生存和社会发展的必要条件,每年的需求都在日益增加,这就更凸显了能源节约的重要性以及必要性。电量消耗作为城市轨道交通系统运营过程中能量消耗的主要形式,其中,特别是城轨列车牵引供电的能耗所占比例最大。因此,在满足城市轨道交通列车营运需求的情况下,以达到节能降耗的目的,这是非常值得探讨研究的。 matlab城轨列车能耗计算系统设计+程序:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_32760.html