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时间:2019-04-20 14:22来源:毕业论文

Design of remote wireless monitoring system for oil depot
Abstract:As a new wireless communication technology, ZigBee has the advantages of low power consumption, low cost and high stability. This paper introduces a remote wireless monitoring system based on ZigBee. This system will use DS18B20 digital temperature sensor to the temperature data acquisition, data transmitting and receiving can be realized by CC2530 module, and through the serial communication to collect the temperature data on a computer display, so as to realize the real-time monitoring of remote temperature. Through the PC software can also realize the temperature alarm set and other functions. This system has the advantages of high stability, low cost, wide range of monitoring, high accuracy of data acquisition, real-time, etc. Can greatly improve the production efficiency of enterprises. This design has the characteristic of wide application prospect and great development potential.
The structure of the system is simple, reliable, low power consumption and low cost. It is a solution of wireless sensor.
KeyWords:Sensor ;ZigBee;CC2530;DS18B20
1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.3 本课题的意义    2
1.4 论文的主要结构    2
2 设计要求与方案选择论证    3
2.1设计要求    3
2.2 方案选择和论证    3
2.2.1 无线通信模块选择与论证    3
2.2.2 温度采集模块方案选择与论证    3
2.3 电路设计最终方案    4
3 主要芯片及软件介绍    5
3.1 ZigBee    5
3.2 CC2530    7
3.3 DS18B20    8
3.4 Protel99SE    11
3.5 Visual Studio2012    12
3.6 IAR Embedded Workbench    13
4 系统硬件设计    14
4.1 发送端硬件设计    15
4.1.1 CC2530模块    15
4.1.2 温度模块    16
4.1.3 电源模块    16
4.1.4 晶振电路    17
4.1.5 射频天线    17
4.2 接收端硬件设计    18
4.2.1 CC2530模块    18
4.2.2 串口模块    19
4.2.3 电源模块    19
4.2.4 晶振电路    20
4.2.5 射频天线    20
5 系统软件设计    21
5.1 单片机程序设计    22
5.1.1 发送端程序设计    22
5.1.2 接收端程序设计    23
5.2 上位机软件设计    24
5.2.1 上位机的功能简介    24
5.2.2 上位机软件的程序的流程图    25
6 仿真与调试    27
6.1系统测试步骤    27 ZigBee油库远程无线监测系统设计+流程图:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_32307.html