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时间:2018-11-14 17:24来源:毕业论文

关键词  并网逆变器  滤波器  滞环控制  滞环宽度
Title     Research of Single-phase Full-bridge Inverter with Hysteresis Control              
In recent years, with the worsening energy crisis, the development and utilization of new energy sources has become urgent.Developing and utilizing of new energy sources means a lot to solve the shortage of resources,slow global climate change as well as other aspects.As a key technology of new energy power generation systems,the grid-connected inverter has drawn attention of researches all over the world .In this paper,a single-phase full-bridge grid-connected inverter is deeply studied.
Firstly,the control methods of grid-connected inverter are compared and  the three output filter structures are analyzed to determine the structural of single-phase full-bridge grid-connected inverter based hysteresis current control.Secondly, the principle of grid-connected inverter is analyzed in detail to determine the hysteresis width and circuit topology. Finally, the simulation model is built in  MATLAB / SIMULINK. The correctness of the analysis result is verified by simulation.
Keywords  Grid-connected inverter  Filter  Hysteresis control  Hysteresis width
目   次
1 绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  并网逆变器的研究现状    1
1.3  并网逆变器控制技术    2
1.4  本文的主要内容    5
2 单相全桥并网逆变器拓扑分析    6
2.1  并网逆变器的选择    6
2.2  滤波器的选择    7
2.3  单相全桥并网逆变器    8
2.4  本章小结    9
3 电流滞环控制的单相全桥并网逆变器    10
3.1  输出滤波器的分析    10
3.2  电流滞环控制    11
3.3  电流滞环控制的并网逆变器    13
3.4  本章小结    16
4 实验设计    17
4.1  仿真模型的建立    17
4.2  模型参数设置    18
4.3  本章小结    22
5 实验仿真与结果分析    23
5.1  稳态特性    23
5.2  动态特性    28
5.3  本章小结    32
结  论    33
致  谢    35
1    绪论
1.1  研究背景
近年来随着社会经济飞速发展,人们生产生活对能源的需求大幅提高,当前世界能源结构还是以石油、煤炭和天然气等不可再生能源为主。然而这类一次能源正日渐枯竭,并且利用的过程中大量排放温室气体及其他有害气体,导致温室效应、酸雨和全球气候异常等生态环境污染问题。21世纪的今天,由于生态环境污染和能源危机,电力供需的矛盾日益突出,未来太阳能、风能和燃料电池等具有清洁无污染等优点的可再生能源将成为解决人类电力短缺的最佳选择。 MATLAB采用电流滞环控制的单相并网逆变器仿真研究:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_25783.html