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时间:2018-09-21 14:30来源:毕业论文

关键词  微电网  V/f控制  Droop控制  PQ控制  对等控制  主从控制  混合控制
Title  Study on Control Strategy of Microgrid  
Nowadays, distributed generation that uses distributed energy attracted attention.But the instability of the  generation would be the impact of distributed network .In order to take full advantage of distributed generation ,the concept of microgrid comes into being.
Firstly,,this paper introduces some basic concepts. Secondly, from the interface to the inverter control level,it describes three common control methods: constant voltage and constant frequency ( V/f )control , Droop control and constant power ( PQ )control .Three models were built  with the use of SIMULINK software to evaluated their feasibility.The results showed that three control methods can take advantage of its droop characteristic curve to control the stable operation of microgrid. Finally, from the interface to the management level,  peer to peer control strategy、Master-slave Control Strategy and mixed control combining the peer and master-slave control strategy was used in the microgrid . In the operation of mode switching, public load switching , micro-power switching, etc., various control methods can meet its own characteristics and controle microgrid to operate in a stable state. Hybrid control is a combination of the advantages of the two control modes, making the micro-grid run more flexible and stable.
Keywords  Microgrid  V/f Control  Droop Control  PQ Control  Peer to Peer Control Strategy  Master-slave Control Strategy  Mixed Control Strategy
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题的研究背景和意义    1
1.2  微电网的基本概念    1
1.3  微电网的控制    3
1.4  微电网控制策略的研究现状    4
1.5  论文主要工作    6
2  微电源控制设计理论基础    7
2.1  SPWM控制技术    7
2.2  派克(Park)变换    8
2.3  比例(P)与比例积分(PI)控制    8
2.4  本章小结    10
3  基于微电源个体的控制策略建模与仿真    11
3.1  下垂(Droop)控制    11
3.2  恒压恒频(V/f)控制    17
3.3  定功率(PQ)控制    22
3.4  本章小结    28
4  基于管理层面的控制策略建模与仿真    29
4.1  对等控制    29
4.2  主从控制    35
4.3  混合控制    41
4.4  本章小结    47 SIMULINK微电网控制策略研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_23244.html