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时间:2018-04-10 22:00来源:毕业论文

关键词  激光  雪深测量  组态王  高速铁路  
Title   The design and test of the high-speed rail snow depth monitoring  system                                       
Snowfall is one of the most common weather of the nature, and is the most difficult to be measured. Snowfall’s accumulation and freeze cause great security risk, threat high-speed railway traffic’s safety.
This paper first introduces the basic principle of ultrasonic and laser measurement of snow depth, and the parameters of ultrasonic snow depth sensors and laser snow sensors often seen on the market were analyzed and compared. After clearing Snow depth monitoring requirements, laser snow depth sensor is chosen as the heart to build a system of real- time monitoring of railway snow depth. In terms of hardware, I completed the selection of sensors and cameras and other hardware equipment which meet the requirement of accuracy, and determined the number of output signal and interface mode .And on the other hand, in terms of the software, I designed the PC control system based on Kingview and adapted to the hardware platform, realizing the access of snow depth and video signal, historical data, warning message and so on.
Keywords  laser  snow-depth-measurement  kingview6.53   high-speed rail
  目   次

1  引言    1
1.1  研究的意义    1
1.2  国内外研究现状    1
1.3  本设计研究的内容    2
2  超声波及激光测量雪深的原理    4
2.1  超声波    4
2.2  激光    6
2.3  较常见两类传感器参数比较    8
3  激光雪深测量系统的硬件构成    11
3.1  激光雪深传感器    11
3.2  网络摄像头    13
3.3  电源模块    13
3.4  GPRS通讯模块    14
3.5  接雪板    14
3.6  外围支架    15
4  激光雪深测量系统的软件构成    17
4.1  组态王软件介绍    17
4.2  使用组态王进行编辑控制系统    17
结论    34
致谢    35
参考文献    37
1  引言
1.1  研究意义
随着全球气候的变暖,各种极端气候现象频发,我国是受大自然气象灾害影响最严重的国家之一。在各类极端气象中,降雪对高速列车正常运行有很大的影响。积雪会在铁轨上不断堆积,使列车轮毂不能紧贴铁轨行驶。列车在有积雪的轨面上行驶,必须根据轨面上的积雪深度及时调整行驶速度[1]。暴雪常常伴随着低能见度,使列车驾驶员不能估算出前方轨面上的积雪深度。积雪还会影响道岔,使道岔不能密贴,形成“四开”岔。严重影响列车的正常行驶及旅客的生命安全。 高速铁路雪深监测系统设计与试验:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_12857.html