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时间:2020-01-17 09:52来源:毕业论文

最后,对生产等相关人员进行的培训不到位,虽然很多企业制定了大量的培训方案甚至是培训考核试卷,但有些企业并没有进行培训,对培训记录和考核试卷进行造假,因而使得培训没有达到相应的作用。 即使进行了培训 ,员工也不清楚其职责,不知道出现偏差后向谁汇报、 怎样汇报,如何处理等,文件规定和操作严重脱节,形成了规程、 实际运行“两层皮”的现象[12]。

赛诺菲集团是名列欧洲第一,全球第三的制药公司,总部位于法国巴黎。赛诺菲杭州制药有限公司是由法国赛诺菲药业发展公司和赛诺菲中国投资有限公司本着致力于发展中国乃至世界医药事业的宗旨和愿望而共同投资创办的专业性制药企业。公司产品主要涵盖内科用药、中枢神经系统、高血压、心血管、血栓、肿瘤领域。总占地面积为44.766平方米,预计年产能达1.8亿 包装单位。

本人于2014年4月初至12月底为期九个月在赛诺菲杭州制药有限公司QA部门实习。其质量保证水平偏差处理都处于国内同行业领先位置。在专业QA指导下, 下面是结合实践经验和各文献理论对偏差和偏差处理程序的详细系统描述,并以此偏差处理程序完成一个合理的制药企业可能出现的偏差事件分析,并讨论后得出制药企业短时间可改善提高的方面及长时间的改善目标。

2  专业术语

Deviation:Any departure from an approved instruction or established standard during manufacturing or testing, a non-conformance to approved specifications or any failure on GMP-related systems.



Failure : An event which could lead to a deviation. 



Notation Event which has no impact on the product and whose root cause is clearly established and whose actions are not required to prevent recurrence.



Planned deviation: Situation identified as preventing a standard operating procedure from being followed exactly as written. They are expected to be short-term solutions to a problem. 

预期偏差(Planned deviation):为短期解决某一问题,暂时不遵守标准作业程序的情形。


Critical Deviations : A deficiency in material, product, system or service that can affect significantly the quality,  purity, safety or efficacy of a product or can lead to health threatening conditions in product. Alternatively, any deficiency that can lead to a non-compliant product or to a situation that may be cited by regulatory authorities as critical. The critical deviation should be reported to Incoming Quality Control management department. 

关键偏差(Critical Deviations):会对产品质量、纯净性、安全性、有效性等造成重大影响,或导致健康状况受到威胁的偏差;或会导致产品不合格,或被政府安全机构认定为关键的偏差。关键偏差应报告来料质量控制管理部门。


Major Deviations: A non-critical deviation, which potentially affects the quality, purity ,safety, efficacy of a product or the ability to meet GMP requirements. 

主要偏差(Major Deviations):非关键偏差,可能对产品质量、纯净性、安全性、有效性等有潜在的影响,或者可能不能满足GMP要求的偏差。


Minor deviations: A deviation not classified as critical or major, which potentially impacts a GMP system, utility, equipment, material, component, environment or documentation, but does not affect product/medical device quality, purity, safety or efficacy.  药品生产企业偏差处理管理调研和分析报告(3):http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_45308.html
