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时间:2016-12-04 22:44来源:毕业论文

  摘  要:周口市的经济发展主要依靠农业,全市农村人口数量庞大,农村小学生在全市小学生中占有相当大的比例。要想推动周口市教育事业的发展,必须先从农村入手。然而,农村小学教育却存在着诸多问题,特别是音乐教育方面。师资力量紧缺、教学设备严重不足、教育观念落后等等,使之与城市的差距越来越大。在强调教育公平的今天,这个问题该如何解决,摆在了诸多音乐教育工作者的面前。本文通过对安岭镇实验小学音乐教学工作的调查研究,以小见大,反映出当前农村小学音乐教育中存在的问题,并联系实际,提出一些相应的对策。
A brief introduction to music education in rural primary schools in Zhoukou Situation and suggestions
--- In "An Zhen Experimental Primary School" for example
Abstract: Zhoukou’s economic development is mainly dependent on agriculture. The city's large number of rural population, rural primary school pupils in the city occupies a large proportion. In order to promote the development of education, we must start with the countryside. However, primary education in rural areas,has many problems, especially in music education. Faculty shortage, a serious shortage of teaching equipment, educational concept behind, etc., so is the growing gap with the city. In today's emphasis on educational equity, how to solve this problem, put in a lot of music educators face. Based on the security Zhen Experimental Primary School music teaching job research, the paper describes the current status of the small, rural elementary school music education reflecting the current problems in education and practice,and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures.
Keywords: Zhoukou; rural areas; musical education; situation; countermeasures
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、安岭镇实验小学音乐教学的概况简述    2
二、从安岭镇实验小学反映出的农村小学音乐教育的现状    3
(一)师资力量严重不足,教师专业素质有待提高    3
(二)政府对音乐教育的投入不足、条件落后    3
(三)对音乐教育重视度低,认识不够到位    4
(四)音乐教学方式陈旧,随意性大    4
三、改善周口农村小学音乐教育现状的对策    5
(一)加强师资队伍的建设,加大教学设备的投入    5
(二)转变教育观念,充分认识农村小学音乐教育的重要性    6
(三)因地制宜的开展音乐教学,进行音乐教育教学改革    6
参考文献    8
致谢    9,4192
浅谈周口农村小学音乐教育的现状及对策       ——以《安岭镇实验小学》为例

    一、安岭镇实验小学音乐教学的概况简述 农村小学音乐教育的现状及对策:http://www.751com.cn/yinyue/lunwen_736.html