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时间:2019-08-28 12:39来源:毕业论文

摘  要:当“原生态”这一源自自然生态保护的字眼,成为界定一种文化的标志时,原生态艺术以它特有的不饰雕琢在城市化进程加剧的时代,让离自然状态越来越远的我们呼吸到了生命原本的气息。原生态艺术不仅是一种艺术形态、审美取向,也是为拯救日益遭受破坏的民间艺术生态的疾呼呐喊。原生态艺术一路从被人遗忘的角落走上众人瞩目的舞台,直到今天形成一股艺术潮流受到追捧,映照了人们内心对自然本源回归的渴望。很多艺术家就是在这种自然心态的趋势下尽力还原艺术的本色。杨丽萍以“孔雀舞”闻名,被称赞为“中国第二代孔雀王”。她在多年的舞蹈艺术生涯中,创作了《云南映象》《藏迷》等很多著名的舞蹈作品。本文结合杨丽萍舞蹈艺术作品原生态特征和我国各民族原生态舞蹈艺术的发展现状与趋势,总结分析杨丽萍舞蹈作品对原生态民族舞蹈艺术发展的影响及启发,进一步探讨如何弘扬中华民族传统原生态舞蹈艺术文化。40177
On the promotion and dissemination of Primitive Dance - A Case Study of Yang works
Abstract: When the word that comes from the natural ecological protection of the "original" has become a cultural symbol of the definition, the original eco-art with its unique carved ornaments are not in the era of increasing urbanization, more and let off the natural state the farther we breathe life into the original atmosphere. The original ecology is not only an art form of art, aesthetic orientation, but also for the salvation of the growing ecological destruction of folk art cries cry. All the way onto the original eco-art from the forgotten corners of the limelight of the stage, until today the formation of a sought after artistic trends, reflecting the people's hearts desire for the return of natural origin. Many artists is in this natural tendency to try to restore the state of mind of the true nature of art. Yang with "Peacock" is known, has been praised as "China's second generation of Peacock." In the years of her artistic career in dance, created the "Yunnan", "Tibetan fans" and many other well-known dance works. In this paper, the development and trends Yang ecological features original works of art of dance and the various nationalities of the original ecology of the art of dance, dance works Yang analyzed the original ecology folk dance influence and inspire the development of art, to further explore how to carry forward the traditional Chinese Primitive Dance arts and culture.
Keywords: original ecology; dance; promotion; spread; Yang
目    录
摘  要1
(二)原生态舞蹈的特征 4
在现代舞蹈广泛流行的今天,已经很少有《云南映象》《藏迷》等这种真正具有民族特色的原生态的歌舞,在大家看来,《云南映象》《藏迷》的真正的魅力所在就是它表现出来的原生态的本质,而这种原生态本质就是中华民族原生态文化艺术的精华和浓缩,艺术作品的原生态本质就是其魅力的根本体现。本文通过对杨丽萍舞蹈作品的分析,进而分析了中国原生态舞蹈,展望了未来中国舞蹈本土化的未来发展方向和发展前景。希望通过本文的研究能够使更多的人关注并加入到中国舞蹈的改革发展队伍中,为舞蹈教育做出自己的贡献。 浅谈杨丽萍原生态舞蹈的推广与传播:http://www.751com.cn/yinyue/lunwen_38429.html