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时间:2017-06-27 23:02来源:英语论文
he Translation of Names of Tourist Attraction: Taking Henan Province as an Example旅游景点名称的英语翻译

摘 要河南是一个旅游资源大省,以拥有丰富的古文化旅游资源而著称。对于广大海内外旅游者,河南就如同一座浩瀚的天然历史博物馆,可以尽情地去探寻东方文化和华夏文明源流。但是我省旅游景点名称翻译现状不容乐观,不正确的翻译已经制约了我省旅游业的发展。本文旨在以我省景点为例探讨旅游景点名称翻译中的问题及其解决这些问题的策略。文章首先分析了旅游景点名称的特点,分类和功能,然后指出问题产生的原因:不同的语言文化和传统习俗。在此基础上尝试着提出了解决旅游景点名称翻译中问题的策略。作者认为直译,意译,直译加意译,直译加解释等方法可以有效地解决其翻译中的问题,从而使其达到最佳的宣传效果。10825
关键词:河南; 旅游景点名称; 翻译策略 Abstract
Henan is pretty rich in tourism resources, and famous for the ancient culture. For the overseas tourists, Henan is just like a natural history museum with age-old history and splendid culture and civilization. But the present situation of the translation of names of tourist attraction is not promising and even it has to some extent impaired the development of our province tourism. Taking the names of tourist attraction of our province for example, this thesis is aimed to investigate the problems in the translation of names of tourist attraction and the strategies for solving these problems. Firstly, this thesis would analyze the features, classifications and function of names of tourist attraction. Then it points out the causes behind these problems: difference in the languages and cultures, difference in traditional customs. Based on this the author tries to propose the strategies for these problems such as transliteration, free translation, transliteration plus free translation, transliteration plus explanation which can be used to solve these problems effectively and achieve the best publicity for the tourist attraction.
Key words: Henan; names of tourist attraction; strategies of translation  
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. Basic Information of Names of Tourist Attraction    3
2.1 Features of the Names of Tourist Attraction    3
2.2 Classification of the Names of Tourist Attraction    3
2.3 Functions of the Names of Tourist Attraction    7
III. Present Situation of the Translation of Names of Tourist Attraction    8
3.1 Problems in Translation    8
3.1.1 Incongruous Names    8
3.1.2 Misunderstanding    9
3.1.3 Cultural Loss    10
3.2 Causes Behind the Problems    10
IV. Strategies for Translating Names of Tourist Attraction    12
4.1 Transliteration    12
4.2 Free Translation    13
4.3 Transliteration Plus Free Translation    14
4.4 Transliteration Plus Explanation    15
V. Conclusion    16
Bibliography    18
Acknowledgements    19
The Translation of Names of Tourist Attraction:
    Taking Henan Province as an Example
I. Introduction
Henan is also named “Central Plain” or “Central State”, for over 4,000 years ago, China was pided into nine states. Henan was called Yu State, which was located in the middle of the nine states, hence the name. Henan is located in eastern central China, on the plain between the Yellow and Huaihe rivers. Since most of Henan is south of the Yellow River, which runs for over 700km through the province, it was given the name Henan (South of the River). Henan covering an area of 167,000 square kilometers, with a total population of 97 million is pretty rich in tourism, and is famous for the ancient culture. Furthermore, a great number of history books and excavation have proved that 8,000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started the civilization here. Henan has been playing a very important role both in China and Orient Culture. A great number of history books and excavation have proved that 8,000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started the civilization here. From the first dynasty-the Xia Dynasty, which was started from 21 century B.C till the Jin Dynasty (13th century AD), over 200 kings or emperors of over 20 dynasties had the capitals or shifted the capitals here, and have left numerous historical relics and places of interest, of which, the historical relics remain underground in the province rank the first in the country. Of the seven ancient capital cities in China, namely Beijing, Xi’an, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Anyang, Nanjing and Hangzhou, three are located in Henan. They are Luoyang, Kaifeng and Anyang. Luoyang is an ancient capital city for 9 dynasties, but recently some scholars hold that Luoyang is an ancient capital of more than 9 dynasties, but recently some scholars hold that Luoyang is an ancient capital for more than 9 dynasties, but a capital of 13 dynasties. Kaifeng was an ancient capital city for 7 dynasties. Anyang was the capital of the later Shang Dynasty, also called Yin Dynasty. Luoyang is well-known for Longmen Grottoes, one of the world’s cultural heritages and White Horse Temple, the earliest Buddhist temple so far built in China; Kaifeng is well reputed for the relics of the Northern Song Dynasty by the world; while Anyang is renowned for the oracle bone inscriptions, which is considered the earliest Chinese written characters. Tourism is one of the largest multinational activities in the world. According to WTO’s forecast the gain of international trips will have almost reached about 1.6 million dollars by the year 2020. China is set to be the world’s largest destination and the fourth major source of tourists by 2020. This great growth offers golden opportunities as well as a unique set of challenges for our province. At the same time the fast development of the national tourism and increased tourist growth rates call for an equally accelerated preparation with respect to standardized service. (Gao and Zhao 1) 旅游景点名称的英语翻译:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_9995.html