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时间:2017-06-08 23:18来源:英语论文
Research on the Translation of Reduplication in Chinese Classical Poetry中文古诗词叠词的研究与翻译

摘要叠词是汉语的一种修辞方式,广泛运用在中文古诗词中。叠词丰富的修辞作用是其特殊性的体现。然而,在中文古诗词叠词的英译中,叠词本身的修辞功能却往往被忽略或者省略了。根据以翻译目的论和翻译行为理论为核心的翻译功能理论,修辞形式的一致和功能对等应当放在翻译的首位。因此,结合对于中文古诗词中叠词其本身的特殊修辞方式的分析,本文分析了中文古诗词中叠词的主要英译方法,包括直译法、意译法和意象译法。本文以探讨如何在古诗词英译中将叠词的修辞功能体现出来为研究目标。由于目前对于结合叠词特殊修辞功能的英译方法的研究仍有限,本文为其英译提供了新的视角。关键词  叠词   翻译   古诗词   功能翻译理论  修辞功能9926
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title        Research on the Translation of Reduplication  
  in Chinese Classical Poetry            
Reduplication is a way of rhetoric in Chinese and is widely used in Chinese classical poetry. The varied rhetorical functions reveal the specialty of the reduplication. However, in the translation of reduplication in Chinese classical poems, rhetorical functions of reduplication words are often ignored or omitted. According to the functional translation theory, with the core of skopos theory and translational action theory, the consistency of rhetoric form and functional equivalence should be put in the first place in the translation. Thus, in combination with the analysis of the rhetorical functions of the reduplication in Chinese classical poetry, this paper endeavors to analyze the main ways of English translation of the reduplication, including literal translation, free translation and imagery translation. The study aim is to illustrate how the rhetorical functions of reduplication can be conveyed in its translation. As there is limited research on English translation of the reduplication which combines the unique rhetorical functions of the reduplication, this study sheds light upon the study of it.
Keywords   reduplication   translation    Chinese classical poetry  
functional translation theory   rhetorical function
Table of Contents
1   Introduction    1
2   The Previous Study of Reduplication and Its Translation    1
2.1   The Previous Study of Reduplication    1
2.2   The Previous Study of the Translation of Reduplication    2
3   Functional Translation Theory    3
3.1   Skopos Theory    4
3.2   Translational Action Theory    5
4   Rhetorical Functions of Reduplication    5
4.1   Musicality Creation    6
4.2   Image Portraying    7
4.3   Action Description    8
4.4   Personal Emotions Conveying    8
5   Methods of Translation    9
5.1   Literal Translation    9
5.2   Free Translation    11
5.3   Imagery Translation11
Conclusion    14
Acknowledgements    15
Bibliography    16
1 Introduction
With the increased cross-cultural communication between China and other countries, more and more Chinese classical poems are translated into other languages and appreciated by people from all parts of the world. It is known that one of the major problems in Chinese-English translation is the translation of the Chinese classical poems. However, what is more difficult is to translate the reduplication in Chinese classical poetry ( Li Yiyin, 1988). Reduplication is widely used in Chinese classical poetry and has its typical rhetoric functions. The varied rhetorical functions reveal the specialty of the reduplication. However, in the translation of reduplication in Chinese classical poems, rhetorical functions of reduplication words are often ignored or omitted. In view of the above facts, this paper endeavors to analyze and research on the reduplication in Chinese classical poetry and its English translation within the framework of the functional translation theory and tries to illustrate how the English translation of the reduplication can convey the rhetoric function of it in Chinese classical poetry. 中文古诗词叠词的研究与翻译:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_8813.html