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时间:2021-04-24 15:37来源:英语论文
The Journey Seeking out The True Self On Theme of The Chronicles of Narnia,英语论文《纳尼亚传奇》主题思想寻找真我之旅

Abstract The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy novels by C. S. Lewis. In the fictional realm of Narnia, there is a fantasy world of magic. In the magic world, there are mythical beasts and talking animals. The four protagonists in the adventure are all children with various characters and they play key roles in the unfolding history of fairyland Narnia. They are children from the real world, magically transported to Narnia, and the lion Aslan call them to protect the Narnia world from evil and restore the throne to its right place there. The series include the entire history of Narnia, from its creation in The Magician’s Nephew to its final destruction in The Last Battle. The born of The Chronicles of Narnia is under the background of the World War II, where flames of war raging everywhere. Faced with the World War II, Lewis created the fairyland—Narnia.66276

This thesis analyzes benevolence and evil and their results in the Narnia Kingdom, where benevolence shall be praised and inherited, evil shall be punished or corrected. In fact, protagonists’ experience in Narnia is a journey they seeking out their true self—purity, bravery, honesty and so on.

Key words: benevolence, evil, prevailing of benevolence, seeking out true self

摘要《纳尼亚传奇》是刘易斯创作的七本系列魔幻故事。故事中的“纳尼亚王国”是一个神秘奇 幻的世界,在这些故事中,小主人公们通过各种奇妙的方法进入奇幻世界纳尼亚王国。故事 以正义与邪恶的斗争为线索展开,他们在伟大狮王阿斯兰的帮助下,通过英勇的冒险和战斗, 一次次战胜邪恶,拯救纳尼亚的人们并保卫了这个神奇而充满欢乐的国度。每个故事独立成 册,但形散神不散,七个主题构成一部史诗般的整体。当时的时代背景是第二次世界大战时 期,经济萧条,民不聊生,于是刘易斯创造了这么一个第二世界,表达着对和平的向往。这 系列书也深深包含了刘易斯的基督思想,他旨在表达人类应该不断反省不断变好方能赎罪方 能得永生。

本论文主要从纳尼亚王国中的善与恶以及其后果展开,善良得到赞颂与传承,邪恶得以惩罚 与纠正,在纳尼亚王国中经历的一切实则是小主人公们追寻真我的过程——追寻一个孩子应 有的纯洁、勇敢、诚实等特质。



Acknowledgements i

Abstract ii

摘要 iii

1 Introduction 1

2 Benevolence in the Kingdom of Narnia 4

2.1 Benevolence of Aslan 4

2.2 Benevolence of Creatures 5

2.3 Benevolence of Children 6

3 Evil in the Kingdom of Narnia 8

3.1 Evil of the White Witch 8

3.2 Evil of the Green Witch 9

3.3 Evil of Generations of Adam 10

4 Benevolence and Evil 12

4.1 Evil to be Punished 12

4.2 《纳尼亚传奇》主题思想寻找真我之旅:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_74138.html
