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时间:2020-12-27 09:51来源:英语论文
An Analysis on English Advertising Translation From the Perspective of Gestalt Theory,英语论文从格式塔理论谈英文广告的翻译

An Analysis on English Advertising Translation From the Perspective of Gestalt Theory Abstract Today, with highly developed economy, advertising as a carrier of information, has penetrated into all areas of life. English advertising has developed into an important practical style with its own unique language. In translation, we should adhere to the correct translation standard, fully consider the language features of English advertising, and adopt appropriate translation strategies to demonstrate the unique charm of advertising language. Advertising is an art, but advertisement translation is a science. In order to achieve the ideal translation, it is necessary to analyze and understand the language characteristics and translation criteria of advertising. How can the advertisement translation be vivid and attractive?  Whatever the traditional Chinese translation principles of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, or western translation principles of dynamic and functional equivalence or meaning, communicative translation that became popular in the 1980s in the country— fails to guide translators to undertake the work. To this end, the author makes an interpretation and evaluation on the applicability of a series of popular principles of translation, and then puts forward the research on the advertising translation by applying gestalt theory. Different from traditional theory, gestalt theory is viewed from a psychological point to explore the psychological laws of advertising activities. It examines the whole process of advertising activities from the perspective of consumers, and provides scientific basis and theoretical guidance for the translation of English advertisements.   61365

Keywords: gestalt theory, advertising translation, principles of gestalt theory


摘  要在经济快速发展的的今天,广告作为信息的载体,已经渗透到生活的各个领域。广告已经发展成为一种重要的实用文体,有自己独特的语言风格。在翻译时应坚持正确的翻译标准,充分考虑英语广告的语言特色,采取恰当的翻译策略,以展示英语广告特有的语言魅力。广告是一门艺术,而广告翻译则是一门学问。为了达到理想的翻译效果,有必要分析和认识广告的语言特色和翻译标准,找出其独特性。怎样才能把广告译得传神,令人过目不忘?无论是传统的国产翻译原则信、达、雅,还是上世纪80年代开始在国内流行的包括动态、功能对等或传意、交际翻译在内的各种原则,似乎都不能有效地指导译者进行翻译工作。为此,笔者在对一系列流行的普通翻译原则就其对广告翻译的适用性作出阐释和评估后,提出用格式塔理论对广告翻译进行研究。格式塔理论有别于传统的理论,它是从心理角度探讨广告活动中存在的心理规律,它从消费者的角度审视广告活动的全过程,为英文广告的翻译提供科学的依据和理论的指导。



Chapter 1 Introduction 7

1.1 Research Background 7

1.2 Research Significance 8

1.3 Structure of the Thesis 9

Chapter 2 Literature Review 9

2.1 Gestalt Theory 9

        2.1.1 Definition and Development of Gestalt Theory…..9

2.1.2 Principles of Gestalt Theory 10

2.2 Gestalt Theory and Translation 12

2.2.1 Gestalt in Language and Translation 13

2.2.2 The Study of Gestalt-based Translation in China 从格式塔理论谈英文广告的翻译:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_67110.html
