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时间:2020-12-15 16:32来源:英语论文
A Brief Analysis of Different Methods of Effective Lead-in in Junior English Class,英语论文中学英语课堂教学中的有效导入

Abstract Classroom is the main place for English language teaching. According to Homewood Lyn key, a famous educator, if the teacher does not try his best to find ways to make students keep in high sprits and inspiring inner states, but is eager to import knowledge, then this kind of knowledge can only engender apathy and make brains tired. Classes with successful part of lead-in can stimulate students’ interests in learning. It can attract students’ attention as well. By that, learning can be easy for students. On the contrary, if classes are short of lead-in or even without the part of lead-in, students will have difficulties in learning. Therefore, new curriculum standards should be carefully studied and different classroom lead-in methods should be explored as well. Thus a solid foundation can be laid to improve the efficiency of English teaching. This thesis first introduces the functions and principles of lead-in and then focuses on different methods of effective lead-in in junior middle schools. It also deals with misunderstandings and provides some countermeasures for lead-in. The author hopes that it can make classroom-teaching more active and to some extent, improve the efficiency of English teaching in junior middle schools.60784

Key words: English teaching; lead-in; methods and principles; misunderstandings and countermeasures 

摘要 课堂教学是是英语语言教学的主要场所,著名教育家霍姆林斯基认为,如果教师不想法设法使学生产生情绪高昂和智力振奋的内心状态就急于传授知识,那么这种知识只会使人产生冷漠的态度,给不动感情的脑力劳动带来疲倦.导入成功的课会激发学生学习兴趣,吸引学生注意力,让学习变得轻松自然。反之,缺乏恰当导入或者没有导入环节的课,会让学生的学习活动毫无准备,困难重重。所以我们应该仔细研究新课程标准,依据新课程理念,本文主要介绍了导入的作用、原则、方法以及导入过程中存在的一些误区及应对方式,希望能在一定程度上优化初中课堂教学、提高英语教学效率。

毕业论文关键词:英语教学; 课堂导入; 方法与原则; 误区与对策


1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review..1

3. The Functions of Lead-in and Its Principles...2

3.1 The Functions of Lead-in............2

3.2 The Principles of Lead-in....3

4. Different Methods of Effective Lead-in in Junior English Class....4

4.1Reviewing the Pre-learned Knowledge...4

4.2 Creating Teaching Situation....5

4.3 Playing a Variety of Games.........6 4.4 Talking about the Hot Topics..6

4.5 Setting Suspense.7

4.6 Applying Different Art Forms in Class...7

5. Misunderstandings and Countermeasures...8

5.1 Using Too Much Time....9

5.2 No Connection between the Lead-in and the New Content....9

5.3 Always Applying the Same Boring Method.10

5.4 Following Regular Steps Blindly..10

5.5 Disconnecting from Reality..10

6. Conclusion.11

Works Cited...13

1. Introduction 

Classroom is the main place for English language teaching. Homewood Lyn key, a famous educator, said“ If the teacher does not try his best to find ways to make students keep in high sprits and inspiring inner states, but is eager to import knowledge, then this kind of knowledge can only engender apathy and make brains tired.”(Liu Liumei, 2014:78) Therefore, many teachers have studied the new curriculum standards carefully, so as to explore different classroom lead-in methods according to the new curriculum ideas and lay a solid foundation to improve the efficiency of English teaching.

The paper consists of six parts. The first part is a general introduction of lead-in. Part   two is the literature review of classroom lead-in. Part three discusses functions of lead-in and its principles of lead-in. Part four analyzes different methods of effective lead-in. Part five is about the misunderstandings and countermeasures in the course of lead-in. The conclusion is drawn in the last part.源]自=751-·论~文"网·www.751com.cn/ 中学英语课堂教学中的有效导入:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_66327.html
