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时间:2020-11-30 20:06来源:英语论文
A Study on the Pragmatic Features of “Taobao” Register From the Politeness Principle,英语论文从礼貌原则研究淘宝体的语用特征

Abstract Language is a reflection of the times, “Taobao” register, as a new kind of network language, it both has the general network language linguistic features and its special characteristics. Politeness is one important factor in successful communication. Politeness principle has a direct guidance in the use of “Taobao” register. The use of it can’t be mechanical, we should use each maxim flexibly according to actual conditions. This study makes the breakthrough point on “Taobao” register, based on a in-depth study of general network language features to analyze the peculiarities of address form “Qin”. This paper then discusses the pragmatic function of address forms in “Taobao” register, and reaches the conclusion that it is beneficial to realize its pragmatic values by proper using, mainly in achieving the politeness principle; but if used indiscriminately, it will be easy to cause the pragmatic failures.60056

Keywords: “Taobao” register; politeness principle; pragmatic failure

摘要语言是时代的反映,“淘宝体”作为一种新兴的网络语言,既拥有网络语言的一般特点,又有其独特之处。礼貌是成功交际中的一个重要因素。礼貌原则对“淘宝体”的使用有直接指导作用,运用礼貌原则不能生搬硬套,我们要根据实际情况灵活运用各条准则。本文以“淘宝体”为切入点, 在对网络语言一般特点的研究基础上分析淘宝称呼语“亲”的特点。通过进一步探讨淘宝体称呼语的语用功能,得出以下结论:恰当地运用淘宝体语言,有利于其语用价值的实现,主要在符合礼貌原则方面;但是不分语境的滥用,则容易造成语用失误。

毕业论文关键词: “淘宝体”;礼貌原则;语用失误

1. Introduction 1

2. “Taobao” Register 1

3. Analysis from Semantic and Pragmatic Approach 3

3.1 Semantic Approach 3

3.2 Pragmatic Approach 4

4. Comments on “Taobao” Register 11

4.1 The Positive Evaluation 11

4.2 The Pragmatic Failure 12

5. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

1. Introduction 

The 21st century is an information age, as a new media, network has been widely used and gradually becomes an integral part of people’s life. Meanwhile, this fantastic progress of technology promotes the emergence of a new language form “network language”. In recent years, there appears a variety of network phrases. They have been widely and frequently used in people’s daily life, which has aroused more and more domestic and international scholars’ attention. “Taobao” register, as a new and popular network language, was produced and prospered with the development of electronic commerce and network language, so it not only has the general linguistic features of network language, but also has its special characteristics. Based on previous studies of network language, this paper regards the research of “Taobao” register as an entry point, focusing on analyzing “Taobao” register in pragmatic perspective, aiming at a better understanding of “Taobao” register, in order to avoid pragmatic failures effectively and achieve its maximum pragmatic value.

2. “Taobao” Register 

Taobao language is a popular network language which originally appears on China’s best online trading platform “Taobao”. The “register” in Taobao register refers to the style, belongs to linguistic category, rather than in the body of literature. “Taobao” register is a way of speaking, is naturally produced in the specific network transaction environment. The earliest origin of “Taobao” register is the dialogue between both sides in Taobao network transaction or sellers’ description of the goods. There is one thing in common for online shopping, that is all of transaction is done on the internet, so the communication between buyers and sellers is mainly relies on online chatting. With the growing popularity of online shopping, the online chatting has become more and more frequently, it promoted a new kind of network language’s appearance. Because that new language was initially used on “Taobao”,  it was simply called “Taobao” register.  从礼貌原则研究淘宝体的语用特征:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_65406.html
