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时间:2020-06-09 20:59来源:英语论文
Beauty and Goodness-O·Henry’s View of Humanity Reflected by Nobodies’ Images,英语论文从小人物形象看欧亨利的人性观

Abstract O·Henry is one of the world's three masters of short stories, who has a high reputation. In his creation of more than three hundred short stories, what give us a deep spiritual purification are always those underprivileged people and what we remember is also their human nature. Nobodies have always been writers' focus. They are humble, but the social reality is reflected upon them at that time. Nobodies in O·Henry's short stories have more features. They are unconventional. Their behaviors show their characters of goodness, positivity and devotion.50532

Through the observation of O·Henry’s depiction of these nobodies, it is not difficult to find that he has the pursuit for a better personality and society. So far, there have been many researches in the academic world on O·Henry. Although these articles are about nobodies in his works, they are a bit scattered and there is not a system of classification.

Therefore, this paper will try to categorize the nobodies from different angles. It aims to give readers a comprehensive understanding about nobodies of O·Henry's works. Besides, readers can appreciate the beauty of humanity from them and further understand O·Henry's view of human nature.

This paper falls into four parts. The first part is introduction, including the introduction of O·Henry and the background of O·Henry’s short stories. The second part is about the analysis of those nobodies’ images in novels. The third part introduces the definition of humanity and O·Henry’s view of humanity reflected by nobodies’ images. The fourth part functions as a conclusion.

Key Words: nobodies, goodness, humanity

摘要欧亨利享有世界三大短篇小说巨匠之一的美誉,在他所创作的三百多篇短篇小说中,给我们深灵上净化的.永远都是那些被会底层:或卑鄙,但贯穿所铭记的也是他们的人性。 小人物历来是作家关注的重点,他们虽卑微,但在他们身上却集中反映了当时的社会现实。欧亨利笔下的小人物则更具特色,他们一反传统,表现出善良、积极、和奉献的品行。

通过对作者笔下的小人物的观察,不难发现作者对美好人格和社会的追求。 到目前为止,学术界对欧・亨利研究颇多,这些文章虽然都在围绕作品里的小人物探讨,但有点零散,也未进行系统的分类。





Acknowledgements i

Abstract: ii

摘要 iii

1 Introduction 1

2 O·Henry’s Nobodies’ Images 3

2.1 Jones and Behrman—Annotating Friendship with life 3

2.2 Jimmy—Choices between Kindness and Evil 4

2.3 Peter and Gentleman—Sticking to Integrity. 5

2.4 Joe and Delia—Sacrifice of Love 6

3 O·Henry’s View of Humanity Reflected by Nobodies’ Images 8

3.1 Concept of Humanity 从小人物形象看欧亨利的人性观:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_53901.html
