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时间:2019-09-12 19:09来源:英语论文
A Study on English Culture Teaching in Junior Middle Schools,英语论文初中英语文化教学的调查研究

摘 要语言与文化是密切相关的,英语教学不仅要注重语言教学,还要注重文化教学,提高学生的跨文化交际能力是英语教学的目标之一。本文以周口地区初中英语教师和初中生为研究对象,通过运用问卷调查法搜集资料,对周口地区初中英语文化教学的现状进行了分析。分析结果表明初中英语文化教学存在的问题有:初中英语教师和学生对英语文化教学的认识和重视程度不够、英语文化教学的内容来源单一、英语文化教学的方式单一,英语考试中很少会涉及对英语文化的考核,紧接着针对问题从教师、学生、学校和教材等方面进行原因分析,并提出促进初中英语文化教学的策略。本研究对提高改善初中英语文化教学情况具有重大的意义。40803
Abstract Language is closely related to culture. English teaching should not only pay attention to language teaching, but also pay attention to culture teaching. The improvement of students’ intercultural communicative competence is one of the aims of English teaching. This paper chooses junior middle school English teachers and students in Zhoukou as the research object, collects data by using the way of questionnaire, analyzing the present situation of English culture teaching of junior middle school in Zhoukou. The results show that there are problems in English culture teaching, such as English teachers and students pay a little attention to English culture teaching in junior middle school, the content of English culture in English textbooks and the teaching methods are lack of persity. Then based on these problems, the author analyzes the factors from the aspects of teachers and students, and proposes the strategies which can promote English culture teaching. This study has great significance of improving the situation of English culture teaching of junior middle schools.
Key words: English culture teaching; Intercultural communication competence; Present situation of culture teaching
A Study on English Culture Teaching in Junior Middle Schools

摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
Ⅱ. Language and Culture    2
2.1 The Concept of Culture    2
2.2 Language and Culture    3
Ⅲ. The Present Situation of English Culture Teaching    4
3.1 Analysis of Present Situation    4
3.2 Influencing Factors    5
Ⅳ. Some Suggestions For the Existing Problems    11
4.1 To Improve the Quality of Teachers    11
4.2 To Arouse Students’ Learning Motivation    12
4.3 To Improve the Evaluation System    12
 4.4 To Improve School Facilities12
Ⅴ.Conclusion    13
Bibliography    14
Appendix    15
Acknowledgements    20
I. Introduction
Communications among different cultures have become more and more frequent with the rapid growth of economy.However, English as a language which has a close connection with its culture has always been neglected. In the past few years,the teachers have paid more attention to the language form than anything else in English class in a middle school.The main goal to study English was to get good grades. So if the students can remember the vocabularies and the grammar rules,they may get good grades in the test.
But since 1990s,something began to change.The syllabus made for junior middle school English teaching in 1993 mentioned culture teaching for the first time.It said the middle school students should get the knowledge of differences among cultures,enhance patriotism and strengthen world conscience in the part of Educational Aims.In the part of Educational Objectives and Requirement,it said the students should obtain some certain intercultural awareness and hold the attitude of respect and tolerance towards cultures from other countries.When it comes to the 21st century, cultivating the students’ intercultural competence is getting more and more attention from the authorities.Culture awareness has been put as one of the five objectives for the first time. Culture awareness includes cultural knowledge,cultural understanding,intercultural awareness and intercultural communication competence.The students are required to improve their sensitivity to the differences or similarities among different cultures and their cultural resolution capability so as to improve their intercultural communication competence. 初中英语文化教学的调查研究:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_39228.html