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时间:2019-05-17 22:07来源:英语论文
The Unavoidable Consequence of Defying the Nature—Self-Destruction The Analysis of Moby-Dick from the Perspective of Eco-criticism Theory英语论文挑战自然不可避免的后果自我毁灭从生态批评理论角度分析小说《白

Acknowledgments  My writing of this thesis has smoothly come to an end, and I hereby would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the following people for their selfless dedication and contribution to my thesis. 35466
My profound gratitude first goes to Associate Prof. Sun Hongying, my supervisor, for her constant guidance and encouragement in the process of my writing. She offered me considerable and constructive advice, practical and profound suggestions on the completion of my paper. Just under her careful and patient guidance, I begin to get a clear idea of the paper and fully frame it out.  Without her support and help, the completion of the present thesis is impossible.
I am also very grateful to all other teachers of the School of Foreign Languages who gave me direct or indirect help during my study in the college.
I am also grateful to my classmates and roommates for their encouragement, support, comments and wise advice.
Last, I wish to devote this paper to my parents for their everlasting dedication that they have shown since I was just a little child.
Under the profound influence of western civilization---the thought of marine systems, in the era of the 19th century of Industrial Revolution, whaling industry became the signal human activity for the unlimited commercial profit and benefit as well as demonstrating their mettle through the adventurous conquest of nature and its inhabitants.
With the impact of human activities on nature, as well as the deterioration of the natural environment, Ecology and Ecological theory in literary criticism emerged, exploring and studying the relationship between man and nature as well as the detrimental impact of human activities on nature due to the anthropocentric concept in human history.
This paper aims to arouse people’s ecological awareness through browsing the plot and analyzing the theme of the masterpiece of ocean novel by Herman Melville, who revealed the loss of human awe to nature and its subsequent disasters and self-destruction from the perspective of eco-criticism.
Key words: Eco-criticism, heroism, natural balance, anthropocentric
摘要在西方海洋文明思想体系的深刻影响下,在19 世纪西方工业文明的时代,西方在对待人与自然的关系问题上以捕鲸业为代表,显示出了人类对自然无限索取,并不断挑战自然,征服自然的西方英雄主义表现得尤为突出。


Acknowledgments    i
Abstract    ii
摘要    iii
1 Introduction    2
1.1 The Author’s Personal Experiences Background and the Creation of the Novel    2
1.2 The Plot of the Novel Moby Dick    3
2 The Theory of Eco-criticism    5
2.1 The Definition of Eco criticism    5
2.2 The Emergence and Development of Eco criticism    6

3 The Relation between the Nature and the Whale    9
3.1 The Unhealthy Development of Whale Industry    9
3.2 The Reckless Insanity of the Captain and crews in tracing Moby Dick    11
3.3 The Appreciation from the Only Survivor——Ishmael    13
4 Conclusion    16Bibliography    18 从生态批评理论角度分析小说《白鲸》:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_33428.html