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时间:2018-07-21 20:48来源:英语论文
Studies on the use of negative words in negative sentences in English-Chinese translation英语论文否定句英汉互译中的否定词使用研究

研究发现,虽然英语专业的正确率普遍偏高,但是对于一些有迷惑性的否定句的句型结构,无论是英语专业还是非英语专业的学生错误率普遍较高,而且错误点是很相似的,比如部分否定的“not +adv/adj+and+adv/adj”structure,双重否定的“No+negative meaning words”structure。对于完全否定,同学们几乎都可以找对否定词以及否定部分并且准确翻译。而对于隐含否定句,同学们可以找对否定词,可是在翻译过程中容易将否定部分翻错。同学们对于一些非常规的否定句的大意把握很好,只是译文风格往往会不太地道。26072
关键词  英汉互译  否定词  大三学生
Title    Studies on the use of negative words in negative sentences in English-Chinese translation                                         
The subjects of this study are both juniors majoring in English and non-English students of University of Science &Technology. 40 students involved in this study were picked randomly and they have taken the negation translation test in their spare time with the reference of internet or dictionary. Then we have analyzed the cause of their error points according to the test results.
 The study finds that the English Majors have good results in general, however, both English majors and non-English majors have a high error rate on some certain negation structures and the error points are similar, such as: “No+negative meaning words” structure of Double Negation and“not +adv/adj+and+adv/adj”structure of Partial Negation. Almost all the subjects can find the right negative part in Complete Negation and translate the sentences comprehensively. For Implicit Negation, students can find out the negative words, however, the negative parts are often wrongly translated. Students can grasp the general meanings of some special negative sentences, but the style of the translations are not veritable.    
Keywords  English-Chinese translation  negative words  junior students
Table of Contents
1    Introduction    1
1.2   Background    1
1.2        Purpose of the Study    1
1.3  Research Questions    2
1.4   Organization     2
2    Literature Review    3
2.1    Definition of Key Terms    3
2.2        Previous Study on Negation and Negative Words    3
2.2.1    Grammatical Perspective    3
2.2.2 Cultural Perspective      4
3    Research  Methodology    6
3.1    Research Subjects    6
3.2        Data Collection    6
3.3        Data Processing Methods    6
3.4        Instruments    6
4    Results and Discussion    8
4.1    Data of the Tests    8 否定句英汉互译中的否定词使用研究:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_20122.html